Saturday, May 26, 2012

What a Holiday-rific Week!

Hey Holidayteers!

It has been one heck of a week celebrating holidays with the Holiday Hero! Here's the rundown of our celebrations this week:

Monday: National Memo Day, National Waiter/Waitress Day, Victoria Day.
     While we did not write any memos to anyone (we don't work in an office *snicker*), National Memo Day was celebrated through Buffy the Vampire Slayer! Giles, in a quip to Buffy, said that a demon had apparently "missed the memo" about doing something that would be helpful to the "Scooby Gang". Huzzah!
     The other two were a bit tougher to celebrate since we can't always go out to eat, however we did enjoy the service of a waitress a few days later at a restaurant in town called "Kelly's" so we can count that as a win! Victoria Day is celebrated in Canada and is a day to celebrate with family so we stayed in with our boys. Ka-ching!

Tuesday: Buy a Musical Instrument Day, National Maritime Day, Vanilla Pudding Day
     Ok, so musical instruments are pretty expensive, so we didn't get to purchase a nice instrument (like, say, a flute for yours truly like I've always wanted), but this year we have bought a recorder for Recorder Day. All in all, I count that as a win.
    Now, National Maritime Day is a good one for me since my father is a retired Navy engineman first class.  I made a cross-stitch for him as a Christmas present that featured many of the aspects of the maritime world. Here he is with the piece as well as the piece itself:

     Vanilla Pudding Day was quite a delicious holiday to celebrate! We enjoyed it muchly. Observe:

 Wednesday: Lucky Penny Day, World Turtle Day
     Our Wednesday evening was spent with several friends playing Rock Band, and our "band" kicked ass! Woot! Clearly, we were not in need of a lucky penny, but perhaps the "cash" we made during our gigs proved to be lucky indeed!
Don't we look awesome?! (I'm on guitar, Julie is on bass, Megan is lead singer, and Adrian is drummer)
     World Turtle Day was honored via several Facebook groups as well as pictures of my own. You may remember my turtle pictures from Stress Awareness Day taken at the Duck Pond at UNM. I also shared this gem with my Facebook friends:
Turtle! Turtle! Turtle!
Thursday: International Tiara Day, Morse Code Day
     While our house is not the most "girly" of houses, we do have random bits that come in handy. This includes my lovely pink tiara originally bought from Cellar Door Gifts & Gallery here in ABQ (unfortunately, this awesome store is now closed).
Aren't I adorable?
     So, we get to celebrate yet another Morse Code Day. This one was celebrated via Facebook status updates like this one: 

Friday: National Backyard Games Week Observance, International Geek Pride Day, National Wine Day, Tap Dance Day, Towel Day
     Whew! What a day! Five events in one lovely day.  As part of the Duke City Dance Party crew, we joined three others in one of Albuquerque's parks (nicknamed "scary park") to dance, twirl, and play tennis to the funky tunes blasted from Billy's new Xplode machine!


     In a house of geekdom with a variety of geeky friends (and we say this with pride), it is a simple task to celebrate International Geek Pride Day. Between the work of Tim Burton, street art, Xena, medieval stuff, movies in general, and all the geek stuff our friends provide us with, we have a king's ransom in geekocity! Here are Justin and Julie Larsen showing off their pride:

Aren't they awesome!
     National Wine Day should be EVERYDAY! And I certainly don't need one holiday to enjoy the nectar of grapes! Woot! Now, as a former tap dancer (when I was a kid), I still have a fondness for the lovely art form. Although this is not the best rendition of a tap dance, it was certainly a valiant effort. Enjoy:

And last, but certainly not least, it was Towel Day thanks to Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. We took Ford Prefect's advice and carried our towels everywhere we went. Check out our journey with the dutiful towel:

Saturday: International Jazz Day, Old-Time Player Piano Week Observance
     To wake up this morning, your Holiday Hero was able to play some fabulous jazz music with his electric guitar. Relaxing and practical! Old-Time Player Piano Week is celebrated every May 25-28, but Albuquerque is not the hub of vigor for this type of entertainment. So, while we couldn't find anywhere in town that had an old-time player piano, here are some pictures just for fun:

 Also, here's a video of the restoration of an old-time player piano:
Old Time Player Piano
These are truly fascinating instruments which were popular between 1900-1930 and finally replaced by the wireless piano.  They can be played by hand or on its own (just like magic)! Perhaps you found one this week!

Ok, I think this is about it for the week. Join me tomorrow for another blog of the holiday kind. Until then!

Celebration Sensation, out!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe I was so busy working that I missed International Tiara Day! I was looking forward to wearing my tiaras (yes, plural). Now I have to wait a year, and I am sad.
