Sunday, September 2, 2012

We Don't Rhyme or Read at Breakfast

Holiday Hero and I have been waiting for today (Saturday, September 1) all week. We are so excited to be able to celebrate today's holidays and hope that these ones stick around for a while!
First up is one we had to plan for a bit just to make sure that it could be celebrated to the best of our ability. September is All American Breakfast Month, and we're observing it on the first day of the month to ensure we can do it right. Last night we gathered all of our supplies for this morning's festivities, and a Facebook invite went out to the ABQ area. We decided to make pancakes, eggs, turkey bacon and sausage, and hashbrowns. Emilee, Michael, and Alex brought over biscuits with sausage gravy. I actually did some cooking (hasbrowns and bacon) while Andy got relegated to pancake and egg duty. Adrian also chimed in with his culinary expertise by beating the eggs and cooking up the sausages. Once everything was ready, we made a bee-line for the front porch and had a lovely breakfast at the table. Check it out:
 Turkey bacon--can't beat it!
 Beat those eggs into submission!
 Yes, I actually cooked! And the house is still standing and no one died!
 Post-pancake pan
 There's something to say for friend breakfasts!
 Post-breakfast and there's still a ton of food!
Priceless! Alex in a post-breakfast food coma.

Up next is National No Rhyme (Nor Reason) Day. Ok, so the original explanation of this holiday is to go the entire day without purposely rhyming. There are even lists of words that have no normal rhyming words to accompany them! However, we thought this idea was pretty lame especially since it does not incorporate the 2nd part of the holiday's name. So, we decided to change it up a little and enjoy the day by doing whatever our hearts wanted. As such, we cleaned up after breakfast and officially started our lack of rhyme and reason day of random shopping adventures. We went from various store to store, bought a few things, did U-turns after reconsidering going/not going to a store, and finally culminating the day with a walk to the local minor league baseball team's field to enjoy the game. And we even ran into Nate and his family at the field!
Finally, we have Read a New Book Month. What better way to celebrate this holiday than to start it off also on the first day of the month. I didn't have much time to sit around and read yesterday, so I brought the book with me to the Isotopes game and looked like a total dork (and loving it) by reading during the game.
My professor would be so proud!

And that is it! Hope your day rocked.

CS, out.

Does Kyrgyzstan Have Litigating Lawyers?

Welcome to Friday, August 31. It is the last day of August, and I guess these are a couple of interesting holidays with which to end the month: 
Love Litigating Lawyers Day--yeah, we're actually supposed to celebrate lawyers as a profession. I used to work for a lawyer (not in a law capacity but still) and I can't say that I'm much in the mood to give that individual a place in my blog...not by name for sure (wouldn't want to get sued). I have known a couple of lawyery types that I can say are worth some of the money people pay them, but honestly it's not often that you find a lawyer similar to the ones on TV shows like Drop Dead Diva or People's Court. So, if you're a lawyer, today's your day! Enjoy. P.S. These don't count as billable hours!
Haha! I do.

And we also are able to celebrate Kyrgyzstan Independence Day. On this day in 1991, the Republic of Kyrgyzstan's Supreme Soviet voted to declare independence from the Soviet Union. Yay! Go Kyrgyzstan!
Here's a map in case you didn't know where Kyrgyzstan was.

Short, sweet, and to the point. 

CS, out.

Frank and the Flaming Mallow

It's alive! It's alive...our blog, that is. While we didn't need bolts of lightning to get it jump started, we can certainly enjoy the growing popularity (thanks to you, dear readers) just as Dr. Frankenstein enjoyed the rapture of creating life out of corpses (my kind of guy). In case you haven't figured it out August 30 is Frankenstein Day. Although I've always been more of a vampire and/or zombie fan, the Frankenstein tale is definitely an interesting one. In 1818, a woman named Mary Wollenstone Shelley wrote a fairly groundbreaking book called Frankenstein. However, this day is not commemorating the release or publication of the book but rather Shelley's birth on August 30, 1797. I pulled out my edition of her novel and we decided to watch the 1931 film version of Frankenstein starring Boris Karloff. Be sure to come back on the last Friday in October for Frankenstein Friday!
We actually had more than I thought.

Today is also Toasted Marshmallow Day. I can't think of very many people who don't enjoy a nice, warm, gooey toasted marshmallow on a bed of chocolate in between two graham crackers (aka S'More), and the Holiday Hero and I are certainly no different. We got some "Jumbo" marshmallows and made a delightful dessert for ourselves:
 The wonders of a gas stove.
 Fire up your nose!

Another short one today. See ya!

CS, out.

More Herbs, Less Nuclear Tests

And we're back again! Today (Wednesday, August 29) we are taking a stance on a couple of specific topics for you since our holidays include International Day Against Nuclear Tests and More Herbs, Less Salt Day. So, let's get going before there's no time left to go!
On December 2, 2009, the 64th session of the United Nations General Assembly officially declared that 29 August would be International Day Against Nuclear Tests. Since the first test in 1945, there have been worldwide repercussions that will never cease. Albuquerque has its own history with nuclear testing, and we've been to the museum here in town to learn about the history and science of nuclear bombs. During an office discussion today at the university, I found out that there was a special seminar going on that today to educate and inform students about nuclear tests as well as demonstrate why nuclear testing should stop. My office mate Ben just happened to going to this class so it seemed serendipitous that we just happened to be talking about it!
Second, and lastly, is More Herbs, Less Salt Day. This one is all about getting and staying healthy since using herbs (fresh or bottled) is far healthier than adding gobs of salt to your meals. In our house, salt is rarely used in any of our food and we definitely rely pretty heavily on herbs for seasoning. So tasty!
It even says "No Salt" on the label!

Alrighty! That's what we've got for ya.

CS, out.

Racing Meeces, Reading Comics, and the Rest

Hey peeps! We're back once again with a variety of holidays that I'm sure you'll just adore. So, let's get started with our holidays for Tuesday, August 28: 
First on our list is one that I'm sure most people will recognize: Dream Day (MLK Speech). Today marks the anniversary of the day that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. made his famous "I Have a Dream" speech from the march on Washington. Here's a quick video of the speech:
Always quite inspirational!
Next up we have a rather strange holiday called Crackers over the Keyboard Day. According to the creators of this holiday at Wellcat (the ones who feel like copyrighting holidays is a million dollar idea, give me a fucking break already), you are supposed to take crackers or cookies to work with you and eat them at your desk. Apparently, no one has told these people that the vast majority of people already do that anyway! So, we changed it up a bit:
We tend to take things a little too literally around here!

Third on our list is National Bow Tie Day. Now, anyone who knows the Holiday Hero very well will tell you that he is certainly a fan of the bow tie look (I know, understatement of the century). So, once again, here's my handsome bow-tied guy with our good friend Justin:
They do love the bow tie!
I also feel like it is an important thing for everyone to know how to tie a bow tie, so here is the video that we used to develop our talents as bow tie connoisseurs: 
It works so well.

Thanks to Jason for calling it to my attention that today is also Women Reading Comics in Public Day! Where would we be without this momentous holiday? Women are already reading comics in public anyway, so there might as well be a holiday commemorating it. To celebrate, Julie and I went out to our local Barnes & Noble store and read our hearts out!
 Zombie comic? Of course!
 She couldn't look away!
The lady who took this picture was rather excited about finding out today's holiday!

The last item on our list is Race Your Mouse around the Icons Day. This one plays out exactly as you would assume (mostly because it's another from our "friends" at Wellcat). If you're on the computer and waiting to do something, today is the day to literally race (read: weave) your mouse around your desktop's icons. And that's exactly what I did:
Yep it's just that dumb!

And that's all we've got for today. See you tomorrow!

CS, out.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

She Was a Duchess Just Because...Bananas!

Once upon a time in a little village known to the locals as Duke City, there lived a beautiful princess named...wait a second! Who do I think I am? I'm no princess and Albuquerque isn't a "little village" so what the hell am I writing? Perhaps the Duke City's Dark Angel is channeling through me in order to write today's (Monday, August 27) blog. This sounds eerily similar to another author I am aware of who also wrote via a pseudonym: Margaret Wolfe Hungerford.
Today just happens to be a celebration of Ms. Hungerford, er, the Duchess' work, life, and times, and we call today The Duchess Who Wasn't Day. She is best known (although I don't know many people who have actually heard of her) for the line "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" from her book Molly Bawn. Now, being the curious woman that I am, I went to UNM's library and found the ONLY book they have of her work, and guess what! That story is not in there! Big surprise. Anyway, here are some pics:
 Only piece of her work in the library!
 I sneaked a picture just for all of you!
   Yep, engrossing work!

Next on our list is an amazing day known as Banana Lovers Day. Personally, bananas are one of my favorite fruits in all of their varieties! There is truly nothing better than a chocolate-covered frozen banana from the Canfield Fair back in I miss those (but Holiday Hero certainly doesn't miss the googly eyes I get from the guys around me). Anyway, we got some naners today and made a smoothie!
 Pre-smoothie bananas!
Cutting the bananas.
 Ready to blend
Our friends Dan and Mica were also basking in the banana happiness with these awesome frozen treats:
And they're sugar free!
And finally, I would be remiss to exclude a video that our buddy Space proudly showed to us several years ago concerning bananas. I hope you are freaked out by it as much as I am:
 Yay German techno, you're welcome!

Lastly, today is also Just Because Day. This is the day to go out and do something that you normally wouldn't or maybe wouldn't think of doing. And your reason: just because. Perhaps this is something wild and crazy like skydiving or skinny dipping, or perhaps you might do something nice for someone else just because. I posted on Facebook today that I wished one of my great buddies would be nice enough to bring me a gigantor cup of coffee, and my great friend Doug did just that (complete with every type of sugar available).
 You rock, Doug! 
Also, while walking through the quad of UNM toward the library to retrieve my Duchess book, I witnessed a group of guys walking across a tightly tied bungee rope between two trees. And this, I felt, was a great "just because" moment. Why were they doing it? Just because. What do you think?
I'm not that crazy!

So, that was our day. Hope it was fun!

CS, out.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Women and the Dogs Who Love Them

Do you know where your dog is? If not, he/she is probably tearing something up or pooping on something valuable. If you couldn't guess, today (Sunday, August 26) is beginning with a dog-related holiday. It is National Dog Day, and I couldn't be happier to be celebrating this waggerific holiday because of my awesome pups, Cassidy and Arthur. They are the greatest, and I am extremely lucky to be their adopted doggie mom. Just look at these guys:
 Puppy love
 "You lookin' at me...punk?"
 No more pictures, momma!
 Cass is always attentive
 Even under the couch
Or in front of the TV!
But ours are not the only playful pooches that were celebrated today. A couple of my pals shared their puppy-rific photos:
 From Elisa and her pooped puppy
 Treats for the pups and humans!
 Tasty goodness for good dogs!
Patience is a virtue.
Our friends at I Has a Hotdog also celebrated National Dog Day by their usual array of cute and adorable pups as well as this lovely banner:
I'm not sure why he's at the ballpark, but it's still a lovely picture. Go dogs!

Today is also Women's Equality Day. We are celebrating the day (August 26) in 1920 in which women received the right to vote in the United States via the 19th Amendment. In today's U.S., women assert their strength and power on a daily basis in the business world, at home, and in schools. And there is nothing you men can do to stop us! From Xena Warrior Princess to Buffy Summers, Amelia Earhart to Kathy Reichs, women have proven over and over that we can do, say, and create anything we want! 
Would you wanna mess with her? I didn't think so.
Well, that's it for today.

CS, out.

Second-Hand Romancein the Batty Persuasion

Are you ready for some holidays? Well, too bad because I have a fuckton to tell you about for today (Saturday, August 25), and you are ready to read all about them, right? Damn straight!
First up, we have International Bat Night. This is a global celebration of the winged creatures of the night dedicated to raising awareness about the ecological importance of bats as well as collecting funds for research into a disease called White Nose Syndrome which awakens bats during their hibernation, uses up their stored fat, and causes them to emerge too early during the winter. Over 30 countries are involved, so tonight is the night to join in the celebration for the Year of the Bat (2011-2012).
We don't normally have too many bat sitings around the Albuquerque area (save for those theater screens currently showing the Bat-man), so it might be a bit difficult for us to celebrate. However, our friend Sarah living in NE Ohio apparently had an unwanted house guest for the evening, so she was able to inadvertently celebrate International Bat Day for us! Thanks Sarah!
Next up we celebrate International Cosplay Day. I must thank Justin for bringing this one to our attention as well as defining exactly what it means to "cosplay." I have heard the term many times before but never truly understood what/how to do it. Justin also provided me with a character recommendation that, in my opinion, doesn't quite fit, but I appreciate the suggestion. Here is my (supposed) cosplay character:
Her name Sailor Jupiter, and she possesses powers associated with electricity, plants, and physical strength. I can understand giving me the character for the strength and "muscles of the group" identity but plants? I kill plants. Probably not the super best choice!

While I don't think I will ever be participating in any cosplay sessions, I at least have a starting point if I ever change my mind. Thanks Justin and Julie!

The next two sort of go together: National Kiss and Makeup Day and Romance Awareness Month. Men! Take heed! This is the month in which you are to be romantical with your mate and make them feel super appreciated. Women, you can do the same. If your mate is not treating you well, kick them in the face...
OR...give them the silent treatment (personally, I'm a fan of kicking). If that doesn't work and they still won't say sorry, go back to kicking...OR...withhold something "special" from them until they surrender. Bwahahaha! Thankfully, my Holiday Hero was quite lovely today as we took a nice stroll through Nob Hill, went shopping, and genuinely had a romantic "us" day. No kiss and makeup needed. But perhaps one of our faithful readers has a story they would like to share (please do, we love gossip and juicy details)!

And lastly, we have a holiday that HH and I love to celebrate every day of the year. Today is National Second-Hand Wardrobe Day! Who doesn't love going to a thrift store and finding a gem of a t-shirt (my favorite are the "team" shirts with numbers of the back) or an awesome pair of shoes that look like they've never been worn? Over the past two years, we have developed our bargain-shopping senses and have been able to assemble quite a collection of second-hand wardrobe items! Check out HH's complete thrift store-bought outfit:
Artie photo-bombed!
And thanks to Ivan and Space for their invaluable comments about this amazing outfit! Space wanted to make sure we all knew that some thrift stores sold used "unmentionables". Yeah, that's a good place to end this conversation. Until the morrow!

CS, out!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Erupting Waffles and Demoting Planets

"Back already?" you ask. Why yes, I am back again, and today (Friday, August 24) has been quite a day in the holiday worlds of old! So, that being said, let's jump in head first. 
First up, it is National Waffle Day. I must say that one of my favorite breakfast foods is definitely the waffle. It's not as heavy as a pancake, but syrup, fruits, whipped cream, and butter are still viable options for toppings. In the opposite direction, the term "waffle" has also been applied to a certain type of cone used to hold ice cream, and this is the way in which the Holiday Hero and I celebrated today's first holiday. However, we were not the only ones to celebrate the day!
Emilee and her family had the real thing!
We, on the other hand, took a walk around Old Town here in Albuquerque, and ice cream was totally on the agenda! There is a lovely ice cream place called Crave, and they have the most unbelievable flavors like the kind I got: Espresso Chip. Holiday Hero and I both got our desserts in waffle cones thereby officially celebrating this holiday!
Mmm...Rocky Road
Our second holiday today is something that lots of people would definitely not consider to be something to celebrate: Pluto Demoted Day. On this day in 2006, Pluto was officially demoted from planet to dwarf planet because it doesn't meet all of the requirements of being a full planet. I must say that we were quite sad.
Damn right, Grandpa!

Strange Music Day is our third holiday today, and it was, unsurprisingly, quite a favored day among our friends. At school, Megan was kind enough to lend me the use of her music storage on her computer so that we could all rock out to some random songs!
 Yes, Cheech and Chong!
Yeah, devil horns!
Additionally, Andrew and Zac were going back and forth on one of today's status updates which such gems as:
Thanks Zac!
And this one:
Thanks Andrew! Apparently, the "most unwanted song" generates quite a bit of action!
I will spare you the others, but this was just a taste of the cavalcade of strange music we were subjected to today! I will remember this, guys.
And last on our list is Vesuvius Day. It marks the historic day in 79 A.D. when Mount Vesuvius exploded and destroyed the Roman city of Pompeii. I think that having a Latin class this semester was helpful in celebrating Vesuvius Day as I with my fellow classmates discussed the day and how we should have tried to sidetrack our instructor by asking him questions about Vesuvius. Unfortunately, we didn't get around to it.
Poor Pompeii...

And that's all we've got for today. Hope your day is awesome!

CS, out!