Sunday, August 26, 2012

Erupting Waffles and Demoting Planets

"Back already?" you ask. Why yes, I am back again, and today (Friday, August 24) has been quite a day in the holiday worlds of old! So, that being said, let's jump in head first. 
First up, it is National Waffle Day. I must say that one of my favorite breakfast foods is definitely the waffle. It's not as heavy as a pancake, but syrup, fruits, whipped cream, and butter are still viable options for toppings. In the opposite direction, the term "waffle" has also been applied to a certain type of cone used to hold ice cream, and this is the way in which the Holiday Hero and I celebrated today's first holiday. However, we were not the only ones to celebrate the day!
Emilee and her family had the real thing!
We, on the other hand, took a walk around Old Town here in Albuquerque, and ice cream was totally on the agenda! There is a lovely ice cream place called Crave, and they have the most unbelievable flavors like the kind I got: Espresso Chip. Holiday Hero and I both got our desserts in waffle cones thereby officially celebrating this holiday!
Mmm...Rocky Road
Our second holiday today is something that lots of people would definitely not consider to be something to celebrate: Pluto Demoted Day. On this day in 2006, Pluto was officially demoted from planet to dwarf planet because it doesn't meet all of the requirements of being a full planet. I must say that we were quite sad.
Damn right, Grandpa!

Strange Music Day is our third holiday today, and it was, unsurprisingly, quite a favored day among our friends. At school, Megan was kind enough to lend me the use of her music storage on her computer so that we could all rock out to some random songs!
 Yes, Cheech and Chong!
Yeah, devil horns!
Additionally, Andrew and Zac were going back and forth on one of today's status updates which such gems as:
Thanks Zac!
And this one:
Thanks Andrew! Apparently, the "most unwanted song" generates quite a bit of action!
I will spare you the others, but this was just a taste of the cavalcade of strange music we were subjected to today! I will remember this, guys.
And last on our list is Vesuvius Day. It marks the historic day in 79 A.D. when Mount Vesuvius exploded and destroyed the Roman city of Pompeii. I think that having a Latin class this semester was helpful in celebrating Vesuvius Day as I with my fellow classmates discussed the day and how we should have tried to sidetrack our instructor by asking him questions about Vesuvius. Unfortunately, we didn't get around to it.
Poor Pompeii...

And that's all we've got for today. Hope your day is awesome!

CS, out!

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