Tuesday, August 28, 2012

She Was a Duchess Just Because...Bananas!

Once upon a time in a little village known to the locals as Duke City, there lived a beautiful princess named...wait a second! Who do I think I am? I'm no princess and Albuquerque isn't a "little village" so what the hell am I writing? Perhaps the Duke City's Dark Angel is channeling through me in order to write today's (Monday, August 27) blog. This sounds eerily similar to another author I am aware of who also wrote via a pseudonym: Margaret Wolfe Hungerford.
Today just happens to be a celebration of Ms. Hungerford, er, the Duchess' work, life, and times, and we call today The Duchess Who Wasn't Day. She is best known (although I don't know many people who have actually heard of her) for the line "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" from her book Molly Bawn. Now, being the curious woman that I am, I went to UNM's library and found the ONLY book they have of her work, and guess what! That story is not in there! Big surprise. Anyway, here are some pics:
 Only piece of her work in the library!
 I sneaked a picture just for all of you!
   Yep, engrossing work!

Next on our list is an amazing day known as Banana Lovers Day. Personally, bananas are one of my favorite fruits in all of their varieties! There is truly nothing better than a chocolate-covered frozen banana from the Canfield Fair back in Ohio...man I miss those (but Holiday Hero certainly doesn't miss the googly eyes I get from the guys around me). Anyway, we got some naners today and made a smoothie!
 Pre-smoothie bananas!
Cutting the bananas.
 Ready to blend
Our friends Dan and Mica were also basking in the banana happiness with these awesome frozen treats:
And they're sugar free!
And finally, I would be remiss to exclude a video that our buddy Space proudly showed to us several years ago concerning bananas. I hope you are freaked out by it as much as I am:
 Yay German techno, you're welcome!

Lastly, today is also Just Because Day. This is the day to go out and do something that you normally wouldn't or maybe wouldn't think of doing. And your reason: just because. Perhaps this is something wild and crazy like skydiving or skinny dipping, or perhaps you might do something nice for someone else just because. I posted on Facebook today that I wished one of my great buddies would be nice enough to bring me a gigantor cup of coffee, and my great friend Doug did just that (complete with every type of sugar available).
 You rock, Doug! 
Also, while walking through the quad of UNM toward the library to retrieve my Duchess book, I witnessed a group of guys walking across a tightly tied bungee rope between two trees. And this, I felt, was a great "just because" moment. Why were they doing it? Just because. What do you think?
I'm not that crazy!

So, that was our day. Hope it was fun!

CS, out.


  1. YAY we made it into the blog haha. :)i love reading these things, weirdly i didn't even think about making banana smoothies, damn!

  2. Haha! You can make it in the blog all the time if you'd like! Keep on celebrating!
