Saturday, June 30, 2012

Every Second Counts And Today Gets An Extra

          Happy Leap Second Time Adjustment Day! Due to the Earth being a lazy fuck and taking extra time to rotate, scientists require this adjustment to get the atomic clock back in order. True it's only 1 second added to the day but today will actually be 24hrs and 1 second. That's fucking cool. (Very creative, Adrian.) Every single second matters in life and today we are given the gift of an extra tick on the clock. One more tick to enjoy those around us, the beauty of the universe, the gift of life, or an extra wink of sleep.
          Happy National Meteor Day or Meteor Watch Day! Take that extra second, kick back, and watch the stars. Maybe you'll see the glorious glow of a space rock shooting through our atmoshpere, hopefully it won't be the size of Manhattan and promptly kill us all. A fiery, fiery death but so wonderful to watch it fall. The elements that make up our bodies and everything we know come from the stars and to be returned to that by a falling chunk of the universe doesn't seem so bad compared to all the other ways it can happen. Not trying to be morbid, just deep or something like that. I'd prefer not to die and would rather watch the stars in peace until my bed time.
        Happy Pride Month! I know it's the last day of the month but many cities, including Albuquerque, are having their pride celebrations today, so don't bitch to me. People need to come together as just people, stripped of all titles and stereotypes, and let each other live peacefully. How fucking hard is it to let people marry whoever they fucking want to? Who gives a shit how people like to fuck and who they like to fuck? How can you question how someone chooses to live THEIR life? I could give a history of Pride events or how this celebration month came about but I'd rather rant on how shitty people treat others. Be proud of who you are and never let the government, your family, or anyone tell you how to live your life any different than how you want to. Pride! Fuck yeah!

Snapping Photos, Giving Hugs, and Making Waffles

Today was a fun-filled day! First on the agenda was the Hug Holiday. Who doesn't love a good hug? I guess, perhaps, those who are wary of germs or people or intimacy or fondness...anyway, we're big fans of hugs around here, especially with our friends and family.

Even Artie gets in on the huggins'!

Next up was National Camera Day. As a blog photographer and videographer, I have to use a camera (or my cell phone's camera to be exact) on a daily basis. I don't have a high-powered, expensive camera that gets toted around by Ashton Kutcher or anything, but I think mine works just fine for our purposes. We also have an actual Kodak camera as well as an Olympus camera, but we can't find the power cord for the Kodak and the Olympus is pretty old, so...But here's a picture of the Kodak:
Snazzy, huh?

And at long last we have Waffle Iron Day. I certainly enjoy a nice plate of waffles, but I quite prefer the frozen variety if I'm making them. However, we were no slouches, so a waffle iron was procured... least for the picture!
And here's another individual who share my sentiments concerning waffles:
I always loved Donkey!

Hugs abounding; waffle iron procuring; camera snapping! What a day.

CS, out.

Friday, June 29, 2012


Oh we did!
Ok, summer time is equivalent to a few things: heat, tanks and shorts, ice cold lemonade, and...Bomb Pops! Today is the day to celebrate the awesomeness that is the flavorful cherry, lime, and blue raspberry goodness of the classic Bomb Pop. After retrieving our pops, we obviously had to bring them home, but the ABQ heat doesn't lend well to frozen treats out in the open. So, when we got them home,we had a bit of Bomb Pop mush. They were still quite tasty though:
                                                                From the store to our living room!
Lastly, we have Paul Bunyan Day. According to American Folklore, Paul Bunyan and his giant blue ox Babe traveled around the United States spreading lumberjack goodness. He has been credited with scooping out the great lakes in order to give Babe a place to drink, clearing N. and S. Dakota for farming, Babe's footprints carved out Minnesota's 10,000 lakes, and Bunyan trained ants to do woodworking (Carpenter ants). Here in ABQ, we have a giant lumberjack visible from Historic Route 66. Check him out:
Unfortunately, Babe is not present.

OK, that's all we've got for today. Hope your day was fantastic!
CS, out.

Happy Birthday to Orange Blossoms and Sunglasses

Is it your birthday today? Yes? Well, um, happy birthday! If not, you're not alone. However, today is the birthday of the ultimate birthday song, the song that almost everyone in the U.S. sings for their family and friends' birthdays just before the candles get blown out. On this day in 1859, Mildred Hill composed the ditty now known as "Happy Birthday to You" and it was published in 1893 with lyrics written by Mildred's sister Patty. Although everyone sings it at private birthday parties, public performances of the song (especially in for-profit institutions) will cost you big time because the song with be copywrited by Hill Foundation for the next 18 years. And a slip up will cost you upwards of $10,000! Ridiculous, right? Here's your Holiday Hero's interpretation:
Yeah, we don't have $10k.
Now, living in New Mexico has taught us several things. One of these things is that protecting your eyes and skin from the harmful effects of the sun's rays is critical to a healthy life. So, on this Sunglasses Day, we were sure to keep our glasses handy! Hope you did too!
Mr. Wonka would be SO proud!
Finally, it is National Orange Blossom Day. I used to have tea flavored like orange blossom, but I couldn't, unfortunately, find any today. So, I will make do with this:
Hope your day was magnifique! 

CS, out.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Getting Your Hair Done Can Be Real (Sort of) Torture

Today was quite an interesting day in the world of holidays. First on the docket is Beauticians Day; a day to appreciate the hair dressers and make-up artists of the world for all of their efforts in making you look FABULOUS! My plan was to actually patron a local hair salon and get a quick trim, but sleeping in got the better of me and the day flew by. I guess we will simply have to settle for this trailer for a lovely movie called "The Beautician and the Beast":
I seriously used to love this movie as a kid!

Secondly, today is Columnists Day. Generally, I am not a fan of reading newspapers or magazines for the simple fact that a lot of the writers are not giving 110%. Fortunately, there are some pretty good online and print journal/newspapers that keep readers interested. I personally enjoy things like,, and, and I know the HH definitely digs these plus Check those out (as we have today) for some good writing and noteworthy columns!

Finally, today is a solemn remembrance of those who have been tortured around the world. Officially, the day is known as the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. Torture is in no way a new method of persecution. From the BCE days through today, torture has been a horrible part of society. As a medievalist, I study the Crusades and wars; part of these was the torture of suspected heretics, traitors, and other "evil" individuals in order to extract confessions. Clearly, this is not new. Because of its horrific and unimaginable agony, the U.N. took a stand against all forms of torture throughout the world. In 1987, they made a resolution to eradicate torture. They made June 26 the official day of support for torture victims. 

Hope your day was filled with remembrance, fabulous hair styles, and well-written news columns!

CS, out.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Hee Hee! Jackson in Color with Lightning

Three years ago today (6/25/2009) the world lost a pop legend, the king of pop. Michael Jackson left our world, and it felt like the earth's population would never shake their pelvises, hide from the Thriller, or dance in the streets again. I grew up listening to old MJ albums and hoping to one day meet an icon from our generation. His death was certainly tough for me, so this National Michael Jackson Day will certainly be spent watching and listening to his most popular songs and videos. Here are a few screen pics from my favorite MJ song "Thriller":
 Who knew zombies had rhythm?
 And it's Color TV Day, so this works perfectly!

So, if you've bought a TV in the last like 25+ years, there is a 98% chance that you own a color one. Back in 1951, CBS broadcast their first color television variety show which was only picked up on color-ready television sets. It went out to major cities including Washington D.C., Boston, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, and solely black-and-white screens would not pick up the broadcast. However, color TVs had been in development for over a decade by this broadcast. So, take a moment today and turn on your color TV--can you imagine everything being in black and white (those under 35 need not answer)?

Last but not least, today is also Lighting Safety Awareness Week. Being a native Northeast Ohioan, I certainly know something about rain, thunder, and lightning, but New Mexico is not exactly the t-storm capital of the U.S. That being said, it is still important to remember some lightning safety tips. 1. Stay inside 2. Get out of the pool/off the golf course if you hear thunder (where there's thunder, there's lightning) 3. Car is safer than under a tree 4. Tall buildings aren't your best bet 5. Putting lightning rods on your house can be helpful. Check out these other lightning safety tips and professional advice! 
Tall building--really not helpful!

Hope you had a day that rocked your world! I know I did.

CS, out.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Fairies are Real and Museums are Alive

Happy International Fairy Day! Falling on a Sunday is perfect for this year's Fairy Day because it is True Blood night, and (as every Truebie knows) Sookie Stackhouse is a "fae"belonging to the fairy world.  Anyway, today is the day to celebrate the beautiful, mythical creatures little girls dream of which were made famous in the classic tale Peter Pan. While normal humans should not be able to see fairies, certain pagan and Celtic holidays like Beltane, Mid-Summer's Eve, and All Hallow's Eve can help breach the world division of human and fairy. Maybe you'll get lucky and see a fairy tonight!

Today is also Museum Comes to Life Day! AS soon as I heard the name of this holiday, my thoughts immediately went to the movie Night at the Museum and its sequel. While these movies are mentioned on websites for this holiday, the day is truly meant to celebrate the vast knowledge that libraries and museums have to offer kids and adults of all ages. Perhaps, if you imagine hard enough, you can see the exhibits of your local museums come to life too! (Or you could just watch the movie).
The Holiday Hero and I have actually gone to the Natural History Museum in NYC where the movie took place, and I was able to use my memory of the movie to imagine the exhibits coming to life. I'm really not sure I would want to be there if that ever actually happened--kind of a scary thought!

I'm a kid, I know!

Well, today was fun! Can't wait to see what tomorrow has to offer.
CS, out.

A Letter to My Descendants

To my future grandchildren (who will never actually exist):

You are my progeny, and I am proud to say so. This letter should not be opened until your 18th birthday because, by that time, you may have an understanding of the world that will make sense in correlation to what I am about to tell you.
The world can be a cruel place, but your main objective is to simply live. Now, I'm not going to rant and rave at you about morality or world peace or staying in school. All I want to tell you is you should truly live your life. Have fun, be yourself, explore, enjoy your creativity, do what you feel will make you happy! You'll regret it if you don't. Get your inside view of the world through your own eyes--don't let other people tell you what your world view should be. That's the key. 
However, you do not actually exist, so you will never be able to read this letter. But I suppose, as your future grandmother, I already knew that. Freaky, huh?
The Grandmother you'll never meet.

Typing, Spitting, and Camping all in Pink

Why hello there holiday-teers! Our four-part holiday excitement today consisted of the Great American Backyard Campout, National Pink Day, Typewriting Day, and Watermelon Seed Spitting Week. What a day! Let's get started.
The Great American Backyard Campout is a movement by the National Wildlife Federation to basically pull kids (and their parents) away from the TV for a night and spend it in the great outdoors--or their backyards.  Now since we don't live somewhere that is conducive to sleeping under the stars without being assaulted by bugs or driven over by a car, we decided to take the campout inside! Check out this tent:
 Our first attempt at a tent, and it fell down!
 So, I got comfy!

 Cass enjoyed the campout too!
 ...a little too much!

 And the Holiday Hero finally joined in!

 The tent is truly only made for one person! LOL

 Or maybe a kid...

We still had fun imaging it was the great outdoors!

The Watermelon Seed Spitting Week is a time of year when people are encouraged to try to break the world seed spitting contest recorded in 1989 by Lee Wheells at 68ft. 9 1/8 inches! We certainly tried it, but I doubt ours went more than 5 feet! On the bright side, Arthur had fun licking them up off the floor!
 Preparing for take-off!
We had to use the white seeds since it is quite difficult to find a watermelon with 
the big, black seeds anymore!

It is a sad fact that typewriting on an actual typewriter has become as archaic as writing a handwritten letter! The age of computers has taken over the world of typing, but today we were able to celebrate and honor the typewriter for its decades of service to humankind. Although errors were common and whiteout became a necessity of life, typewriting will always be in our hearts!
 This lovely instrument was found at a local antique shop!

Finally, it was National Pink Day. For all the "girly girls and boys" out there, today was the day to show off your pinky styles! The Holiday Hero and I are not much for pink, but we scraped up a few pink items that helped us celebrate. We tried to find songs for out Rockband Night from Pink or Pink Floyd, but they were all downloads and the system wasn't working so that was a bust. But at least we tried!
 This was the closest we got to having pink clothes!
I can dig a rocker named Pink!

Ok, that's it for me. I hope your holiday celebrations are going as well as ours! Stay tuned for more holiday escapades!

CS, out.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Ugly Dogs Eating Onion Rings and Doing Stupid Guy Things

Forget the fries; screw the slaw! Today is the day to honor the onion ring as a tasty side dish! For our celebration, we patroned one of the local diners here in ABQ called the Route 66 Diner with our friends Justin and Julie. Look at these tasty treats:

So tasty!

As a woman, your Celebration Sensation knows exactly what constitutes a "stupid guy thing" and today is apparently the day to celebrate those types of activities. The Holiday Hero and our friend Doug have taken the time today to participate in video game playing, beer drinking, and talking with foul language (nothing new there!). Observe:

And I'm the photographer...

Finally, we celebrate the ugly dogs of the world. I don't particularly like the way this holiday's name is phrased simply because even "ugly" dogs are cute as hell to me, so use your own imagination on this one. Here, however, is a dog that (once cute) could be considered "ugly." Witness Frankenweenie:
Isn't he sweet?

Ok, hope your day was amazing! See you tomorrow with lots of crazy fun!

CS, out!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Skateboarding at Work? Let's Shake on It!

Hope your work day was filled with skateboarding, recesses, and solid handshakes! Our work at home was steadily fun and shakes upon.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

American Eagles Soar in the Daylight above Refugees

Ever wanted to fly like an eagle through the skies on a lovely Solstice day? Well, you can't! But today is the day that you can appreciate the American Eagle for its ability to look majestic and frightening at the same time! If you didn't see one today (we surely did not), then here is a picture to refresh your memories:
Courtesy of our trip to the ABQ Zoo.

Happy Daylight Appreciation Day aka Summer Solstice (in the Northern Hemisphere)! We are at the pinnacle of life, sun, and time for the year, so enjoy the sun while it lasts. Hopefully, you went outside, wallowed in the warmth, and perhaps thought of all the things you should be doing on a lovely summer day. At our house, the next door neighbors decided to have a solstice party to commemorate the day with interesting chants, an awesome band, and some powerful incense. As usual, the annoying old lady called the cops, but all was well. Happy Solstice and Blessed Be.

Finally, today is World Refugee Day. It is honored every year on June 20 as a way to remember those who have been forced from their homes due to threats of persecution, conflict, and violence. The United Nations has selected Angelina Jolie as their commissioner (finally something she can actually do--she's no Grendel's mother!), and her PSAs have been widespread to enable people to get involved and donate to the cause of helping those who need it the most. For more info, visit the World Refugee Day site and Take the Pledge.

Hope your day was filled with laughter, fun, and a touch of the good stuff!

Celebration Sensation, out.