Saturday, June 30, 2012

Every Second Counts And Today Gets An Extra

          Happy Leap Second Time Adjustment Day! Due to the Earth being a lazy fuck and taking extra time to rotate, scientists require this adjustment to get the atomic clock back in order. True it's only 1 second added to the day but today will actually be 24hrs and 1 second. That's fucking cool. (Very creative, Adrian.) Every single second matters in life and today we are given the gift of an extra tick on the clock. One more tick to enjoy those around us, the beauty of the universe, the gift of life, or an extra wink of sleep.
          Happy National Meteor Day or Meteor Watch Day! Take that extra second, kick back, and watch the stars. Maybe you'll see the glorious glow of a space rock shooting through our atmoshpere, hopefully it won't be the size of Manhattan and promptly kill us all. A fiery, fiery death but so wonderful to watch it fall. The elements that make up our bodies and everything we know come from the stars and to be returned to that by a falling chunk of the universe doesn't seem so bad compared to all the other ways it can happen. Not trying to be morbid, just deep or something like that. I'd prefer not to die and would rather watch the stars in peace until my bed time.
        Happy Pride Month! I know it's the last day of the month but many cities, including Albuquerque, are having their pride celebrations today, so don't bitch to me. People need to come together as just people, stripped of all titles and stereotypes, and let each other live peacefully. How fucking hard is it to let people marry whoever they fucking want to? Who gives a shit how people like to fuck and who they like to fuck? How can you question how someone chooses to live THEIR life? I could give a history of Pride events or how this celebration month came about but I'd rather rant on how shitty people treat others. Be proud of who you are and never let the government, your family, or anyone tell you how to live your life any different than how you want to. Pride! Fuck yeah!

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