Saturday, June 30, 2012

Snapping Photos, Giving Hugs, and Making Waffles

Today was a fun-filled day! First on the agenda was the Hug Holiday. Who doesn't love a good hug? I guess, perhaps, those who are wary of germs or people or intimacy or fondness...anyway, we're big fans of hugs around here, especially with our friends and family.

Even Artie gets in on the huggins'!

Next up was National Camera Day. As a blog photographer and videographer, I have to use a camera (or my cell phone's camera to be exact) on a daily basis. I don't have a high-powered, expensive camera that gets toted around by Ashton Kutcher or anything, but I think mine works just fine for our purposes. We also have an actual Kodak camera as well as an Olympus camera, but we can't find the power cord for the Kodak and the Olympus is pretty old, so...But here's a picture of the Kodak:
Snazzy, huh?

And at long last we have Waffle Iron Day. I certainly enjoy a nice plate of waffles, but I quite prefer the frozen variety if I'm making them. However, we were no slouches, so a waffle iron was procured... least for the picture!
And here's another individual who share my sentiments concerning waffles:
I always loved Donkey!

Hugs abounding; waffle iron procuring; camera snapping! What a day.

CS, out.

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