Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Month of Merriment

Hey Holiday Enthusiasts!

It has been quite a while since our last post, but never fear! The Holiday Hero and Celebration Sensation have been dutifully celebrating all of our holidays as usual! This will be a major catch-up post for the last 21 days or so and, therefore, may be a bit longer than usual. Enjoy!

Monday, May 28, 2012: Memorial Day (U.S.); Hamburger Day; Armenian Independence Day

On Memorial Day, we were able to celebrate with Justin and Julie (featured) by enjoying our burgers (beef for J & J; turkey for us) and playing canasta with Arthur as the team mascot! We also wished Armenia a very happy independence day from afar. 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012: End of the Middle Ages Day; JFK's Birthday; Learn about Composting Day

In 1453, Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Empire on this day. Because of this, many consider this to be the official end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Renaissance (although that term is not widely accepted in academic circles anymore).
Behold! The Excalibur cup of awesomeness!

We were also able to celebrate the life of one of the greatest presidents of the 20th century: John F. Kennedy.  Although taken before his time, JFK made leaps and bounds in the White House. For this, we thank him and celebrate his birthday!
And finally, we learned a little bit about composting and started our own makeshift compost pile by raking the leaves and grass from our yard, cleaning the area, and keeping America beautiful!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012: My Bucket's Got a Hole in It Day; National Senior Health & Fitness Day; Water a Flower Day

Today, we were a little lax in our celebration festivities, but we certainly pondered these days. First, I must say that keeping flowers alive and well in NM (or anywhere for that matter) can be quite a conundrum in this house. I think I have shown in previous posts that I have no green thumbs to be found and all of our flowers tend to kick the bucket (which apparently has a hole in it today)! Our flowers from Plant a Flower Day have not survived to tell them tale of moving from an apartment to a house and living outdoors. My bad! It's the thought of not wanting to kill anymore plants that prevents me from participating in these types of holidays, so essentially I did these living creatures a big, huge favor!

Alright, there is a story behind My Bucket's Got a Hole in It Day, and it is this: the day comes from an old German folk song by the same name that chronicles the problems of Liza and Henry and their problems as a married couple. Pete Seeger and others (including Willie Nelson) have done this song, so enjoy this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvSBDxE_M1E 

Go Seniors!

Thursday, May 31, 2012: Save Your Hearing Day; Speak in Complete Sentences; World No Tobacco Day
Although I have yelled quite extensively at Holiday Hero for his incredibly loud music, he has not heeded my warning.  Today was no different. I tried, Holiday Extremists, but to no avail! The music was loud, but there was definitely no tobacco being used in our house! Tobacco = Unhappy Celebration Sensation! 

Listening to the Hero try to speak in complete sentences was hysterical! While it didn't last long, he certainly tried his best to be grammatically correct! Go Hero!

Friday, June 1, 2012: Doughnut Day; Flip a Coin Day; Go Barefoot Day; Milk Day
What a day! The doughnuts were scrumptious, the milk washed them down nicely, coins were flipped, and shoes were nowhere in sight! Check it out:

 All I can say is...Mmmm! And also--blacktop in ABQ, NM is SERIOUSLY hot!

Saturday, June 2, 2012: Audio Book Appreciation Month Observance; International Surf Music Month Observance; National Bubba Day

One of our favorite things to do bed while falling asleep is listening to one of our many audiobooks on our iPod. We have quite a variety including Stephen Cobert's I Am America and So Can You, Bruce Campbell's Make Love the Bruce Campbell Way, Steve Martin's The Pleasure of My Company and Pure Drivel, J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and others. Behold:

In high school, I was always a fan of the Beach Boys (I also saw them in concert with my family--fun!), so the surf music day was really dorky fun for me. We listened to the Beach Boys everywhere we went and I sang along all day!
Favorite Songs: "Good Vibrations" (HH); "Surfin' USA" (CS)
Basically, National Bubba Day is in honor of people who are nicknamed "Bubba" and in our house, Cassidy is nicknamed Bubba! Here's a cute picture of our little Bubba:
Isn't he cute?

Sunday, June 3, 2012: Canadian Forces Day; Egg Day; Repeat Day
Well, we rejoiced for our friends to the north for their armed forces! Go Canadians! (Don't forget, we can crush you! USA! USA! USA!)
Egg Day--I love me some eggs. Omelets, scrambled, hard boiled, sunny-side up, etc. However, we don't eat many of them, so we buy this type of egg carton:

 Yummy eggs!
On Repeat Day, what else can you do except simply repeat everything you've just done? On Repeat Day, what else can you do except simply repeat everything you've just done? This is fun! This is fun! 

Monday, June 4, 2012: Our 1st Wedding Anniversary
Holiday Hero is such a sweetie! He reserved today to only celebrate our anniversary, and we did it in the most epic of styles. At our wedding last year, we had a faux-gypsy punk band called Beke Dragoste play after the main festivities had concluded. It was amazing. Well, because we are friends with the drummer, we were able to lock them in to play our anniversary party held at our house in ABQ. Check out the fun (featured in the pictures: Beke Dragoste, Emily, Michael, Alex, Mica, Daniel, Justin, Julie, Doug, Lisa, Angel, Erik, and Katie):

This was an amazing day!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012: Hot Air Balloon Day; National Basketball and Hip Hop Culture Month Observance; World Environment Day

For us, hot air balloons will always have a place in our hearts for the sole reason that we were married at the ABQ Hot Air Balloon Museum last year.  Anytime we think about our wedding (as we did yesterday for our anniversary) we are reminded of just how special hot air balloons truly are to us! 
 The entryway of our wedding!
Although the Basketball and Hip Hop Culture Month idea sounds a bit weird, it is actually a legitimate celebratory event sponsored by the mayor of Baltimore in 2009. Check out this proclamation put out by the mayor herself explaining the significance of the event: http://www.nbhhcm.org/proclamation.pdf 

Yay environment! Save the earth! Woot.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012: National Gardening Exercise Day; National Running Day; National Yo-Yo Day; Inter-National Day of Slayer
Neither the Hero nor myself are gardeners or runners or yo-yo experts (although we are Slayer fans), but we can enjoy them anyway via internet clips and such. And this is exactly what the Hero did on his Facebook page. 

Happy Running Day!
Happy National Gardening Exercise Day! This is awesome.
"I want you to do me cuz you're the yo-yo guy!" LOL
 Hopefully, everyone enjoyed listening to Slayer on this destroyer of a day!

Thursday, June 7, 2012: Daniel Boone Day; VCR Day
In 1769, Daniel Boone first saw the forests and valleys of present-day Kentucky on this day. For centuries, the Kentucky Historical Society has celebrated June 7th as Daniel Boone Day!
Frontiersman, fur hat wearer...
As children, Hero and I were each individually raised on watching VHS tapes in our VCRs. I had a HUGE VHS collection and have brought those with me into adulthood. For VCR Day, we celebrated with our friend Andy by watching some awesome movies on VHS: "The Dead Hate the Living" and "Night Breed".
Just look at the excitement on their faces!
Friday, June 8, 2012: Best Friend's Day; Name Your Poison Day; World Oceans Day; Stef Molitor's Birthday
Although she is all the way across the country from me, my best friend Stef is the most awesome person ever! I love her muchly, and it is not only Best Friend's Day but also her birthday. What a great day!
She was also my Maid of Honor at my wedding!
Who doesn't appreciate the ocean and its beauty? This is the day to celebrate it's wonder and vastness especially the Dr. Seuss way!
 And finally, Name Your Poison. This is one of the most popular ways of asking what a particular person would like to drink. For the Holiday Hero, his poison of choice: Jack Daniels. In my world, the "poison" is Hypnotiq, but an actual poison that I think is very cool is Hemlock. 

Saturday, June 9, 2012: National Sex Day
No comment.
Hope your day was just as pleasurable as ours!

Sunday, June 10, 2012: Ball Point Pen Day; Herb & Spice Day; Iced Tea Day
This is a day to celebrate the most useful everyday items that most people will enjoy! As a college student, I have certainly used my fill of ballpoint pens throughout the years in a variety of colors. Although their aren't always the best quality, they certainly get the job done.

Another set of wondrous delights that many use on a daily basis is a collection of herbs and spices. Whether you enjoy simple salt, pepper, and all spice or you're more of a specifically spicy person with ginger, coriander, curry, rosemary, and others, everyone can certainly enjoy a day honoring spices and herbs!
I certainly love a nice, cool glass of iced tea on a hot summer day, and June is the perfect month in which to have a iced tea dedication day! Here's to iced tea and iced tea lovers everywhere!
  I love days like today!

Monday, June 11, 2012: Corn on the Cob Day; King Kamehameha Day
On a warm summer evening, what is better than enjoying a delightful, savory corn on the cob?! And that is just what we had for dinner with Justin and Julie!

 Anyone else thinking of the cartoon of the "typewriter" eating of the corncob?
King Kamehameha "the Great" conquered the Hawaiian islands and formerly established the Kingdom of Hawai'i in 1810. He also founded the Law of Splintered Paddle protecting the human rights of non-combatants in times of battle. For this, we have celebrated with food of the islands:

Clearly, not a pineapple fan!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012: Loving Day; Machine Day; Red Rose Day
In our house, love is in no short supply! Whether it's for our families, our boys, or for each other, so everyday is Loving Day. 
Feel the love!
For Machine Day, it's kind of a no brainer since we live in the techie era. From cars to ovens, microwaves to televisions, machines are everywhere! However, when I think of a machine, I automatically think of...
The Machinist!

Red Roses are everywhere in my house--none of them are alive--but they are here. Pictures, dried roses, etc., are all around! Some especially beautiful roses were used in my wedding bouquets, so here they are in all of their glory:
 I also really loved my shoes, so I present both!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012: National Kitchen Klutzes of America Day; Peanut Butter Cookie Day; Sewing Machine Day
If anyone truly knows me, they will tell you that I am a menace in the kitchen so the National Kitchen Klutzes of America Day celebration is perfect for me! Essentially, the holiday is designed to celebrate those who are the true klutzes in the kitchen. Knocking dishes off the counter, spilling things, etc. I can honestly say that I am definitely not the person to have in a kitchen.
Fo sho!
Who doesn't love an amazing peanut butter cookie? While I may not be able to make one myself, I surely know how to find one that looks awesome, even in plastic wrapping! Man, I really wish I could bake!
So tasty!

In addition, to my other non-domestic abilities I can also definitely not sew. That being said, we have no sewing machines in the house, and I have total respect for the masters of the sewing machine!

Thursday, June 14, 2012: Flag Day; Pause for the Pledge Day; Pop Goes the Weasel Day
Both Flag Day and Pause for the Pledge Day celebrate the greatest country in the world: the USA. Truly an honor to live in a country with brave men and women fighting for us, and we should always feel happy to be here.

Everyone, I'm sure, as a kid has sung the "Pop Goes the Weasel" Song. If not, here's one version you might get a kick out of:
Show this one to Kindergarten teachers everywhere!

Friday, June 15, 2012: Duct Tape Day; Hinge Day; Nature Photography Day; Smile Power Day
I do believe that every man and many women has a role of duct tape either in their car, truck, house, RV, or whatever else. It's probably the most versatile piece of equipment available to the masses, and we've taken full advantage of it:

Notice the bright red smile! Oh the power of a smile!
At the bookstore passing by the clearance books, we happened upon a book of nature photography. How convenient!
Isn't his face adorable?

Thanks to Bill Moseley's Facebook page, today is also Hinge Day. This basically means that because it is the middle day of the middle month of the year you're able to reassess how your year is going and make a mid-year resolution or decide to keep on truckin'! Personally, I'd like to see how this year plays out but I have resolved to stay on my fit program with the Hero all year. Time to kick some ass!

Saturday, June 16, 2012: Fudge Day; National Hollerin' Contest Day; The Wicket World of Croquet Day; World Juggling Day
We certainly have a treat for you all today because Holiday Hero decided to attempt juggling and hollerin' just for today's festivities. The Hollerin' Contest takes place in Spivey's Corner, NC every year and tests contestants' abilities to "holler" a word, phrase, song, etc. To help us celebrate both this and the juggling holiday, Andy stopped by:

Although croquet isn't too big around ABQ, Andy is from Indianapolis and that is exactly where the Wicket World of Croquet Day stems from! Woot! Unfortunately, we had no fudge but the day before I had finished a little but of the Fudge Tracks ice cream we had in the freezer so I count that as a win!

Sunday, June 17, 2012: Eat Your Vegetables Day; Father's Day; Iceland Independence Day
I have noticed that as I've gotten older some of the things my parents told me are beginning to resonate more deeply and make sense. Dad always said to "Do Your Best" and I'll always be his little girl; mom always pushed the clean room thing and eating vegetables. While I still hate cleaning my room, veggies have become a serious part of my diet.
Tasty goodness all in a convenient bag!

It has, of course, always been very important to make my parents proud. On Father's Day, I especially make sure to call my dad (or visit when I was at home in Ohio) and see how his life has been. We had a lovely conversation today. There is another dad in my life as well and that is my dogs' daddy, none other than the Holiday Hero! I made sure the boys gave their daddy a big slobbery kiss today! 
Finally, Happy Independence Day Iceland! In 1944, the Republic of Iceland was formed and they decided that June 17 would be the official day because it was the birthday of the main Icelandic Independence movement figures in the 19th century, Jon SigurĂ°sson.

Monday, June 18, 2012: International Panic Day; National Splurge Day
Although it is International Panic Day--a day for which everyone should worry and be concerned (there is always a National Panic Day in March that I also can't follow)--I can't, in good faith, adhere to it. Being an avid endorser of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, I must shout out DON'T PANIC! 
 Blurry but readable--just keep calm!

I do wish that I can indulge in such activities as Splurging on items I don't need, but I definitely can't. So, I decided to indulge in some of my favorite yummies around the house! I think that would count.

Thus ends the catch-up throughout the months of May and June! Hope you enjoyed our fun pictures and videos and stayed tuned for more to come!

An exhausted Celebration Sensation, out!

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