Monday, April 23, 2012

For tis the time once again to discuss today's celebrations! On the agenda we have Movie Theater Day, National Picnic Day, Lover's Day, Talk like Shakespeare Day, and Take a Chance Day, and they have been quite interesting.

Movie Theater Day is simply a day to celebrate the glory that is the movie, I can't even keep that one up! We all know that the movie industry has become ridiculous with reboots, remakes, continually rising ticket prices, and overpaid actors, but there are certainly astounding accomplishments that can and should be honored. The Holiday Hero and I have decided to keep the movie-viewing at our own movie theater--our house (I also celebrated in the classroom today by watching 2 movies with the rest of my History 500 crew)! So kick back, relax, and enjoy your favorite movie either on the big screen or on your own personal screen.

Second on the list is National Picnic Day! I'm pretty sure everyone has been to or seen others enjoying a delightful picnic with friends and family in the park or a wide meadow discussing plans to kill Judge Turpin. Picnics originated from Medieval hunting feasts and Victorian garden parties. While our version of the picnic is quite simplistic, the 19th century version is rather elaborate including multiple courses, crystal goblets, and live string quartets! Well, we celebrated in our own to come!  
Yes, this had to happen!

Do you have a lover? Look deep into his/her eyes, stare adoringly, and tell your special someone how much you love that person! Clearly, this holiday celebration works well with Picnic Day since these are occasions to spend with a person you love! It also works well with our next holiday: Talk Like Shakespeare Day.
April 23 is widely accepted to be William Shakespeare's birthday, so on this day we celebrate his life and works. Whether you love or hate him, I'm pretty sure that everyone has read at least one of his plays or sonnets at some point in high school. Do you understand the subtle nuances of life expressed in The Merchant of Venice? Cry over the deaths of Romeo and Juliet because of the hatred between their families? Go read, recite (in your best Elizabethan dialect) and enjoy!
Finally, it is Take a Chance Day. Have a dream you've always wanted to test out? Today is the day to do it! Go, venture, try, risk! It's a day full of opportunity and fulfillment.What chances are you taking today? Hmm?

Well, today has certainly been an epic day of holiday celebrations! Hope you've had as much fun as we have! Cheers.

Celebration Sensation, out.

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