Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Wear Tweed, Throw Pillows, and Skip Work...because it's fun!

Hey all,

We have been having some Internet issues (like Comcast can't figure out the difference between a house and an apartment), so our posts have been few and far between. Sorry! We do have some pics to post though so stayed tuned.

In the meantime, I would like to take a moment to tell you about today's amazing holidays. First up, we have National Tweed Day. Unless you are an elderly professor of poetry that no one reads or an old man sitting in your own home's library, I certainly hope you are not wearing much tweed, but today you can celebrate and wear it until your heart's content! Tweed, if you are unaware, is a rough, unfinished woolen fabric that is really not all that comfortable, but some feel it necessary to sport it regularly. Here is a lovely (or not) example:
Clearly, not as appealing as, say, I don't know, suede or leather or silk, but some individuals actually prefer this itchy fabric. You can keep it, in my opinion!

Secondly, today is also World Pillow Fight Day! Yes, I am fervently encouraging you to take a moment and beat the crap out of your friend, roommate, spouse, parent, sibling, or any other well-armed (with pillows, of course) individual with a big, fluffy pillow! Who wouldn't want to have a pillow fight with feathers flying and welts forming? In fact, people around the world are holding giant pillow fight celebrations to participate in this time-honored event although they tend to celebrate on Saturday; you know, cuz they're lame and don't want to fight on school days! Anyway, grab a pillow and take a swing at your nearest relative or friend!

Finally, today is Don't Go to Work Unless it's Fun Day! So, pretty much unless you are a circus performer or chocolate taste-tester or something else amazingly awesome, take the day off. Unfortunately, it's already after 5 in most parts of the U.S., so many of you have already been to work and come home, so I guess you can just say that your job is fun and smile! Yes, even the retail slaves...I guess!

Ok, that's all we have for today! Be sure to check back for some pictures of the last week or so commemorating the various holidays that have passed mostly unmentioned. Cheers.

Celebration Sensation, out!

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