Friday, April 20, 2012

Show Some Love for Lima Beans, Your Husband, and Yourself!

What do lima beans, husbands, DNA, and look alikes have in common?  Why, April 20th, of course! Today we are able to honor this seemingly uncommon foursome.  We begin first with Lima Bean Respect Day.

Now, I'm unsure of your particular affinity for or hatred of this green, mushy vegetable, but I personally cannot stand these beans. The majority of people I know absolutely can't stand them, but I have met a few individuals who actually have claimed to enjoy them...apparently with butter. Lima beans have been cultivated since 6000 B.C. and put in a variety of dishes from main courses like casseroles to desserts like Japan's bean paste. They have a variety of vitamins and minerals which are supposedly good for you: potassium, fiber, iron, copper, and manganese. Wait, what? Manganese? No wonder they taste awful! Well, whether you like them or not, today is the day to show some love and respect for lima beans!

Next on the list is Husband Appreciation Day.  If you are married and love your husband (like I do), today you can show some extra appreciation and love to your special man! Today, Adrian and I were able to spend almost the whole day together, and it was wonderful! We had lunch, watched movies, took a nap, and went out to a friend's house for dinner and drinks. What could be more fun? He also hung out with the pups, ate a Popsicle, and did other guy stuff. I sincerely hope that your man's day was as fun-filled as mine!
Adrian enjoying a tasty blue raspberry Popsicle in our house on Husband Appreciation Day!
Third on our list is a subject that has recently become a part of my academic career: DNA. No, I haven't switched my scholastic interests, but I have been teaching Intro to Biology for the past 12 weeks or so at UNM. Some of the chapters have been about DNA, replication, and RNA. Basically, DNA is what makes your function on a cellular level. Your DNA contains all of your genes and is composed of antiparallel chains of repeating nucleotides.  Rather than sound like a complete dork, I'll stop there, but here's an awesome picture of basic DNA to help you celebrate National DNA Day:
Don't forget to thank these lovely double helixes for providing you with your genes.

Finally, we round out our list with the fourth holiday today: Look Alike Day. There are, I believe, a couple of ways to celebrate this holiday. You can either: 1) become a copycat (for the day) of someone you respect, admire, or simply want to look like or 2) find someone you actually look like. Today, we spent some of the evening with a friend who I aptly figured out looks much like the Top Gear star Jeremy Clarkson. Our friend Nate has the exact same hair, body type, and facial expressions of Mr. Clarkson but is not British and does not own any variety of extremely expensive foreign cars. However, Nate is quite lovely (as I'm sure Jeremy is as well) and definitely deserves the Look Alike Day photograph! 
Now imagine this guy (Jeremy Clarkson) about 15-20 years younger, and you've got Nate!

Whew! We've certainly had an awesome day of celebratory goodness! Hope yours has been as well! Enjoy! Cheers.

Celebration Sensation, out.

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