Sunday, July 1, 2012

An American, a Canadian, and a Scarecrow Walk into a Bar

We have made it to the first day of July, and it was quite an eventful first of the month. Other than the rent being due, we were able to celebrate 4 holidays today: International Joke Day, U.S. Postage Stamp Day, Build a Scarecrow Day, and Canada Day.
I'm not much of a comedian, but I think International Joke Day certainly deserves a few good ones just to do it justice! Thanks to Stephen Colbert's I Am America...And So Can You!, we have this whopper:
"Why did the mayonnaise blush? It saw the salad dressing!" *wocka wocka*
And thanks to Lewis Black's Me of Little Faith, you can now chuckle to this one:
"A lady walks into a bar with a duck under her arm. The bar tender says, 'Sorry, we don't serve pigs here.' The lady looks at him and says, 'But this is a duck.' The bar tender looks at her and replies, 'I know! I was talking to the duck!'" Yup...that's a joke.
I certainly hope your Joke Day was chock full of hilarity and humor. If not, I know these weren't too amazing...I never said I was a good joke teller!
Next we celebrated U.S. Postage Stamp Day. I'm sure at one point or another you've had to send a letter (ha! who does that anymore?), greeting card, or (most likely) a bill. Today is the day we honor the ever-increasing expense of the postage stamp. Here's a look at our stash of stamps:
At least they're pretty!
Next on the list is Build a Scarecrow Day. Alright, let's remember that your Holiday Hero and I live in downtown Albuquerque, New Mexico. Ya know what that means? You guessed it! No farmland. If we have no farm, we have no crops. Without crops, we have no crows. A location sans crows equates to a location sans a scarecrow. Henceforth, we built no scarecrow. However, we were able to watch ready-made scarecrows on the "big" screen and remembered why scarecrows are creepy! Check this thing out:
This thing would scare more than crows!
Finally, it is Canada Day. Yep, today is the day to celebrate and remember our neighbors to the north. While I've only been to Canada once (Niagara Falls), we were able to score a little bit of Canadian memorabilia at Thrift Town:
Montreal baby, Montreal! 

Ok Holiday-teers, that's all we've got for you today. Be sure to stay tuned for another exciting installment of...Celebrate that Holiday!
Celebration Sensation, out.

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