Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Beer Cans And Compliments...Oh And Prospectors, Dagnabbit!

The year was 1935 and the world was a sad, sad place. A "Great Depression," if you will. (Someone should've thought of that before.) Why was everyone so sad? Beer bottles. So fragile they'd burst in the hand of a man with a moderate grip. So hard to open that only those few with access to sophisticated prying apparati could taste the sweet nectar sealed within. So 1% that only Rockefeller himself knew what beer tasted like and told stories of it to his grandchildren. That was when a small brewery, housed in a hillside in The Shire, named Krueger, took the leap and made beer in cans a reality. I suggest you all take a little time and do some research for yourself (more than I did) and see how significant this innovation has been to our society. And since this is also Naitional Compliment Day I'd like to say ,Krueger, that you're a wonderful company and all your hobbit employees are simply the best around. 
While enjoying a frosty, canned beverage today we can all celebrate today's third holiday, Talk Like A Grizzled Prospector Day! This is to commemorate the 1848 discovery of gold in California and the subsequent 1849 Gold Rush as well as shining some light on these grizzled men of lore. Prospectors work hard all day, toiling in icy streams to get a piece or nugget of that American dream and prove that the 9-5 isn't your only option. So get your dagnabbits ready and spin some tales of how you lost that pinky finger to The Great Early Freeze of '95, or how you once fought off a bear with a piece of jerky and your left sock. 
Finally, National Compliment Day! Everyone loves to hear a compliment once and a while so today unleash a barrage of cheer from your talk hole to everyone you meet. It seems most people these days are wrestling with hard times and hearing some positive vocals could keep them from taking out that long buried rage on the general public. So smile and make someone's day a little bit brighter with a compliment and in the process do the same for yourself. Have a canned beer, tell a grizzled tale of winters past, and compliment the shit out of those around you. Dagnabbit!

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