Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Weirdness Begins.

I've never blogged before or even really cared to but tonight over dinner a terrible/wonderful idea popped into my head. What if attempted to celebrate 1000 holidays over the course of a year and documented it along the way? Between written and moving picture posts I could show that every day has special meaning to someone and that the standard Hallmark holidays are not the only reason to celebrate. I'm not a very good writer but I've always had solid ideas so just deal with my poor grammar and enjoy what is being written.
          My official start date is Monday January 23, 2012 which is the Chinese New Year. I plan to go one full year celebrating an average of three holidays per day. There are many more celebrations daily but I'm only one man and guidelines must be established to keep my sanity and marriage intact. I'm still ironing out the details on how each day will run and in advace I'll be building a Google Calendar listing the celebrations which I will be observing. If you would like to make any suggestions please do so! Also, I don't care if someone has done this before and I'm sure some of you will search to find out. Once again, I don't care. I haven't searched and don't plan on it so don't waste your time telling me. This is supposed to be an adventure. I'm going at this as a Holiday Frontiersman or Holiday Christopher Columbus. Someone might have been here first but I'll take the credit in the true spirit of being an American. Finally, I'm not here to offend anyone or their beliefs.


  1. google calendar usually has a setting for 'standard holidays' with a variety of options to choose from. That may help determine which holidays you wanna celebrate.

  2. Yeah, I'll be using that partly but I'm also searching low and high for the most off-beat and wonderful holidays I can find. I've built a pretty solid list so far in a very short amount of time.

  3. Again, I'm very much looking forward to seeing this come together. It was awe-inspiring to watch you go from zero to sixty on this idea in about two-point-four seconds.
