Friday, January 27, 2012

Making Chocolate Cake And Thomas Crapper Day Funny All While Written In Braille

I need to have a moment of silence for this very somber and serious holiday...Chocolate Cake Day! Wooooo! OK, let's take it down a notch and learn the history about this holiest of holy days. I can't really find any history about this holiday but facts or lack of haven't stopped me before. Chocolate cake facts: After the discovery of fire around 790,000 years ago, chocolate cake quickly became a regular in the diet of Neanderthal man (that's why they're extinct, gluttons). When the Gregorian calendar came about in 1582, January 27 was proclaimed to be Chocolate Cake Day. A day when turnips were replaced by this confection of the Gods, children danced, songs were sung, and the streets filled with joy and disease, but mostly joy. In 1948 Betty Crocker released the first "Just Add Water" chocolate cake mix which became a major factor in defeating the Nazis promptly ending WW2. (Previous statement's thought process: Cake brought to G.I's, morale was raised, soldiers fought harder, and the Nazis lost. Don't worry about the year.) Today, bake a cake, decorate a cake, or just eat some cake!
After you've enjoyed your cake you may get to celebrate our other holiday today. Thomas Crapper Day! This innovator and toilet visionary was a man with nine patents to his name, the first bath showroom in the world, and his name gracing manhole covers in Westminster Abbey. Many people believe he invented the flushing toilet but no, he simply innovated the design and removed the wooden spoon from the whole flushing process. (Look it up.) Now on to the really important part of this man's story, the origin of the word crap as an evacuation term. Blah, blah, blah Middle English word, blah, blah, blah French word for waste "crappe," blah, blah, blah. Here's the stinky truth. Americans serving in England during WW1 would "hit the crapper," seeing Crapper's name on the toilets, and thus the modern crap was born. Now I suggest we all flush our toilets at 12pm EST today in solidarity for this amazing man of plumbing innovation on the day of his death.
Happy Braille Literacy Month Observance Day! Devised in 1825 by Louis Braille and the first digital form of writing. This system still in use today has helped millions of blind humans and several smart goats be able to read and write where it would have been impossible before. I will be posting a short written statement in braille later in hopes to make us all a little more educated and bring some diversity to this page (and by all of us I mean myself and the three people that read this blog). I'm also planning on decorating a small chocolate cake with braille writing to celebrate today's wide range of holidays. Have fun celebrating today, I know I will  (probably not).

P.S. Being Thomas Crapper and Chocolate Cake Day I feel like this really isn't funny. Maybe I didn't want to go for the obvious jokes but whatever. Enjoy!

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