Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Calendar Has Landed And Extra Thoughts

My Google Calendar is now linked here to the blog, thanks to my friend Julie's help, and as I update and add celebrations you'll be able to see them automatically. I need to average around three holidays per day to hit my goal by next January so I'll have monthly and weekly observances on certain "slow" days along with that days celebration. If you have any holiday suggestions or corrections please let me know and I'll get to adding/fixing those promptly. Also, if you wish to donate or loan any holiday items to help make this experiment more successful those would be greatly appreciated.
          As I get closer to the start date I'm getting more excited/nervous. I don't want this to run my life but I want to give all I can to make this an entertaining and educational experience. I'd also like to find a way to maybe raise some money for charity through certain celebrations and observances but I still have to figure out exactly how to go about that. As for raising awareness for men's colon health as a "celebration" that some "friends" have suggested...we'll see about that.
         I'm really hoping this experiment will help me become less anxious socially and less awkward in general by forcing me to come out of the shell I usually live in and experience new things. Sidenote: feels weird and kind of self centered writing "I" so much but this is my blog and what the fuck else am I supposed to write? OK, moving on. I'm also hoping to get other people to come out of the usual grind and live a little more. We could all use it at times and I'm here to help nudge them from the darkness into the light. Let's laugh. Let's live. Let's be merry. Let's try some weird ass holidays together and become better and more interesting people. Let's just say "fuck it" and celebrate life. So, who's with me? I said, who's with me?! Louder. I can't hear you! Louder! OK, good. Now back to your turnips.


  1. You're welcome. Also, rock on. I'm looking forward to this wild ride.

  2. Thank you! Remember, you're all coming with me! Bwahahaha

  3. I'm so very excited about this project! I can't wait to try to celebrate things that you find. :D
