Friday, March 23, 2012

Adopt A Puppy And Other Important Suggestions

Happy Puppy Day! They're so cute! So snuggly and cuddly and sweet and...oh I just love puppies! Let me compose myself before we carry on. The true purpose behind this holiday is not only to celebrate how precious puppies are but to help get puppies adopted. For me, no matter how big the dog grows up to be it will always be a puppy in my eyes. If you don't already own a dog or have one and want a new member of the family please take today and go adopt. Don't just narrow your search to puppies either. Shelters are full of older dogs with just as much love and affection as their tiny counterparts. Just look into the dog's eyes and you can always find that youthful spirit ready to give you all its love for just some pets and a place to call home. I always get a little wet under the eye thinking about all the puppies and dogs waiting to be adopted and if I could I'd take every single one of them home but it is not possible. The best I can do is ask all of you to at least think about adopting today and think about the life you can save with a cozy bed, some kibble, and a whole mess of pets. Happy Adoption Day is how it should be referred to now and if that already exists it doesn't hurt to have two.
Happy Organize Your Home Office Day! My office is a cluster fuck, spanning two homes, and a pile of boxes thanks to us being mid move. As we bring boxes in to the house we are trying to unpack the importants and store the others and honestly the office at our house is cleaner than at our current apartment. I'll be doing my best to organize and maybe I'll post some pics of the unpacking process for all to "enjoy". So, today, get off your ass, go into the book/paper dungeon you call an office, and clean that shit up. Lord Vigo commands you. "Oh, command me lord." (GB2 reference alert.)
Happy Okey Dokey Day! This is one of my favorite sayings and it really is a solid way to live a stress free life. Don't strain over decisions today, just say okey dokey and go with the flow. I can't find shit on this holiday and I don't remember where I originally found info for it but I love it. Wanna play canasta? Okey dokey. Want to help build a full scale model of the Empire State Building out of pretzels? Okey dokey. Wanna travel back in time, through a phone booth and have gnarly adventures with George Carlin? Okey fuckin' dokey. Don't stress just go with it today. Are we all clear on this? Okey dokey. Cheers!

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