Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Travels of Celebration Sensation, p. 1

Oh, hello! Celebration Sensation here, and I am Holiday Hero's sidekick. Now, I'm not a lame, Robin-like sidekick. Oh no! This sidekick has powers beyond being the lookout, kidnap-ey, and riding in the dorky sidecar. Ok, now that the formalities have been taken care of, time for my report.
I was given the duty of investigating our variety of holidays that were on the queue yesterday. Now, you may have noticed that the Holiday Hero did not enter a blog discussing the "history" of the holidays and his interpretations of them, but that is simply because I was on special assignment. Ok, so here's what I've found out:
Since yesterday was Pluto is a Planet Day, I actually went there! I can honestly say that Pluto is definitely a place and, in my humble celebratory opinion, is seriously big enough to be a planet. You should see the look on the faces of the little Plutonian children when you ask them how they feel about the puny Earthlings taking the title of planet away from their home--sad. What? No lifeforms, you say? Bah! Have you been there? I think not! Moving on.
One of the oddest experiences of traveling to Pluto was seeing L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, there. Yep! We were trying our hardest of figure out how to celebrate the man's birthday, and the last thing I expected was to see that very person on freaking Pluto carrying around a freaking Ken doll (I guess he must have known is was Ken Day as well...or he has a strange attachment to Ken)! Creepy. I suppose he was trying to spread his funky religion-type-thing to the poor Plutonians. So, not only did they get the planet title ripped from them but now they have to deal with this guy...more specifically, the spirit of this guy (he's dead)! Not anymore! Tee hee hee! *cue Ghostbusters theme*
Finally, it was Earmuff Day. Now, everyone knows that it is rather cold on Pluto since it's so far from the Sun's reach (haha, litotes), so I brought with me a pair of earmuffs scientifically-crafted to keep my ears toasty warm. In fact, I was wearing them when you stumbled in today! LOL! That's right, but you all can't see them. In order to keep the cold at bay, we had to trick the cold into thinking that my ears were unprotected or who knows what nature would have come up with then! Whew! It was a close call, but I have made it back with my ears in tact. I guess I can taken the muffs off now since ABQ is pretty hot! Sorry Plutonians.
Well, that just about sums up my travel to Pluto. Now it's time for me to get back to learning about butterflies (even though I hate those tricky little bastards), reading, and enjoying the wonderment that is Pi!
Celebration Sensation, out!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to have such a kick ass sidekick! You rock, CS!
