Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Books, Butterflies And Pi. Yummy.

It's Pi Day, Pi Day
Gotta get constant on Pi Day
Everyone's using Pi in their equations, equations
Pi Day, Pi Day
Getting mathematical on Pi Day
Gotta get constant on Pi Day...sorry. I don't know what came over me and no I didn't already know the lyrics to Friday, jerks. Well, if you haven't already guessed it's Pi Day! 3/14! Yes, Pi, the mathematical constant with its cool Greek symbol is the most popular tattoo amongst mathematicians. A number that as of September 2011 has been calculated out to 5 TRILLION decimal digits. Someone has a lot of spare time. Don't worry this holiday isn't going to become an 8th Grade math lesson. Just try and think of ways you can work Pi into your day. For example: If you get bad service at a restaurant today, calculate their tip using Pi. See if you can make any purchases equaling Pi and then proceed to write a check for $3.14. Or simply take a picture of yourself by the number 314 if you can find it. That would be an odd speed limit. Whatever you do, do not watch Pi. Have a Happy 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 Day!
Happy World Book Day! I've seen several dates for celebrating WBD, the most common was March 1, but I'm a rebel (or a fool) and chose to celebrate today. Boom. We're America and that's how we roll. Now, you might be saying, "But, Adrian, how do I celebrate World Book Day?" Simple. Read a book, donate a book for children, or, your best option, build a really bitchin' fort out of old encyclopedias. (Encyclopedias for strength and longevity purposes.) This is also kind of an odd day to report that Encyclopedia Britannica will no longer be making print copies after 2012's stock runs out and instead focusing on the digital and online publications. It's true that the minute you print the encyclopedia it's already outdated but isn't it kind off odd that after 244 years the printed version will no longer be around? How are rich guys supposed to fill the shelves in their dens? No longer will high society murders be carried out by a scorned lover wielding Vol.25. More importantly, how am I going to build a strong enough book fort? Damn. Positive thoughts, A-town. It's still WBD and the perfect day to find a suitable replacement to the encyclopedia or if you want to I guess you can read or whatever. 
Do you hear that in the distance? Flapping. Flapping! FLAPPING! Oh god, it's thousands of butterflies! Run! Happy Learn About Butterflies Day! Don't really run. They're just harmless, little butterflies. Yes, in the larval stage some species can be extremely destructive pests but they need to eat all your crops so they can grow up and be beautiful butterflies. Geez. Can I be honest? Writing the word larval gives me the chills. It just sounds gross and all I can think of is Goldblum in The Fly and not normal Goldblum but creepy "I want to slime you with my mouth ooze" Goldblum. Anyways. Actually, wait a minute. Has there ever been a horror movie about butterflies? An evil flock of migrating butterflies destroy all in their path and leave only the eggs of their young behind. Just a suggestion, Hollywood. Probably better and cheaper than John Carter. Title ideas: Flock of Terror. Colors of Horror. Migration of Doom. Deatherflies. Lepidopterror. I'll keep working on that and as I learn about butterflies today I'm sure more creatively punny titles will emerge. Go forth and learn "before the terror migrates to your town..." (Working tag line.) Cheers! 

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