Saturday, March 17, 2012

Two Saints Fighting Over A Glue Stick

Happy Art and Crafts Month Observance! Glue stick? Check. Scissors? Check. Construction paper? Check. OK, let's make this blog happen. This month long celebration was probably created by Hobby Lobby or Michaels, but who gives a shit? Arts and crafts are fucking fun and it doesn't matter where this celebration came from in the end. What are your favorite arts&crafts? Well, being an artist I love creating my stencils but those can be too serious so sometimes I like to color velvet pictures. That's right, velvet pictures. You can't color outside the lines, the designs can be really awesome, and in a strange way it can be a very calming experience. Try it sometime. I'll definitely be working on a new, giant stencil today but maybe I'll make some St. Patrick's Day related crafts and celebrate with all the green construction paper I can find.
Speaking of Patty. Happy St. Patrick's Day! Are you drunk and puking up green beer yet? Why not? Isn't that what St. Patrick would have wanted? Probably not. How do we take so many celebrations and turn them into binges? Yes, it is a feast day but not a comsume copious amounts of alcohol day. I'm sure we can celebrate Irish heritage without getting so pissed that standing becomes an olympic sport. Enough bashing. Now, I'm not really 100% if I have Irish in my blood being that I'm some sort of Scot/Irish/English mutt but I've got flaming red hair and when I wear green look out. Leprechaun in the house! (Did I really just say that?) Red hair doesn't necessarily make you Irish but on March 17 every year it doesn't hurt either. I've got my cheesy St. Patty's Day pin and green striped tie ready to rock today and maybe I'll have a beer. Shocking.
It seems we've got another saint to celebrate today. Happy Feast of St. Joseph of Arimathea! That's right, kiddies, the patron saint of gravediggers. Which is also said to be St. Anthony but Joseph gave his own prepared grave to Jesus after the crucifixion, so I'd say that trumps Anthony. Sorry, dude. Now, let's feast! Wait. I'm not sure how to celebrate other than the feasting part. No real traditions are listed and because of St. Pat, JoA is kind of forgotten. Not really fair. Joseph helped remove Jesus' body from the cross, cleaned and wrapped it in fine linens, and donated his OWN grave to the man. Epic shit. If you are of the Christian persuasion and having a feast today for that snake charmer, St. Pat, don't forget to raise a glass for St. Joseph of Arimathea. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. These holidays sound fun! I fully endorse them! Let's try them at once!
