Thursday, March 22, 2012

Don't Goof-Off With Your Water

Happy World Water Day! The first WWD was celebrated on this day in 1993 after a day to celebrate freshwater was recommended at the 1992 United Nations Conference on Enviroment and Development. With 7 billion people on Earth to feed, and another 2 billion expected in the next 40 years, the need for more sustainable diets that require less water-intensive products and less waste is becoming extremely important. Did you know that 11% of the world does not have clean water to drink? That's around 800 million people! Holy fuck, Batman. The focus for this year's World Water Day, as I've already mentioned, is to shed light on how much water gets wasted through our current food production methods and through the waste of 30% of our food. That's right, kids, we throw out about 30% of our food which results in a ton of water wastage that went into producing the food. Not only is it a shame to waste food but the amount of water that goes into it is staggering. Here's an example from the WWD page: 1 kilo of beef take 15,000 liters of water to produce. Again, holy fuck. So, please think about what you're consuming today and how much water goes into making it and maybe together we can make the world a better fed place with an abundance of water.
OK, sorry I got all heavy on you there but that is serious shit. Now, onto to something a little more positive. Happy National Goof-Off Day! Got something to do? Fuck it! (Unless you're a hooker because then that wouldn't be goofing-off.) Kick back and relax you deserve it, champ. Play a video game, watch a movie marathon, eat some cookie dough, or run nude through the streets shouting obscenities at God and slapping the pavement while your gentleman's tackle dangles for all to see. Whatever floats your boat. Now, I'm gearing up to move into a new house this weekend and my goofing off session might be put on hold until later tonight. Which I know defeats the purpose but, hey, shit happens and you move. Anyways, there is work I could probably be doing later but I won't because it's Goof-Off Day dangit and I'm the Holiday Hero and I'm supposed to celebrate. So, there. Have a great day of nothingness! Cheers!

P.S. I apologize for yesterday's lack of post and celebrating but it just wasn't in the cards due to the move. But I'm back, baby. (That was weird.)

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