Monday, March 12, 2012

Hitchcock And Some Girl Scouts Plant A Flower (Too dirty?)

Happy Birthday Girl Scouts! On this day in 1912 the first Girl Scout troop in America was founded by Juliette Gordon Low in Savannah, Georgia. Now, let's get down to the important stuff: Girl Scout cookies. What's with renaming some of the classics and omitting some cookies from certain regions? Blah, blah, blah cost effective. You're the Girl Scouts. You sell cookies. People love them. Don't fuck with the equation. I need to hunt down a box of cookies today to, you know, help support the local Girl Scouts and because the cookies are fucking amazing. The must put crack in those because there is no way that shit is legal. (Such a cliche line.) Hopefully today I can find a box of cookies (please let it be caramel delites) and support this awesome organization that's had over 50 million members, including my mother, and help keep it around for another 50 million members.
Got a green thumb? Well, even if you don't it's Plant A Flower Day! Spring is fast approaching and what better way to welcome it then with some beautiful, freshly planted flowers. You've got to get in their and get your hands dirty. (That's what she said? Sorry.) When I was younger I would help my mother plant flowers and bulbs around the house and I always had a fun time doing so. It's been a pretty long time since I've done that and I fear that my flower will be dead by next week so hopefully a friend of mine can help. I don't want to be found guilty in the court of Mother Nature of plantacide? Flowercide? Botanicide? Whatever it is, I don't want to piss that lady off. She can be a real bitch sometimes. Put down the Dorito taco (interchangeable currently popular reference), take a little time today and make the world a more beautiful place.
While we're on the subject of bright and happy things I'd like to wish you a Happy Alfred Hitchcock Day! I have no clue why this day is celebrated today being Hitchcock wan't born or didn't die on this day but I'm not complaining. The man was fucking awesome and we could celebrate everyday. Here are a few surprising facts I just found out about Hithcock. Although he loved the work of his contemporaries his guilty pleasures were Smokey and the Bandit and wait for it....Benji. Hitchcock loved dogs and it's said Benji would make him cry whenever he watched it. Big old softy. Hitchcock was a fan of practical jokes and one time on the set of Strangers on a Train he left his daughter at the top of a ferris wheel for nearly three hours. The final and most shocking fact I discovered was that Hitchcock's actual last name was Hitchpenis and early in his career it hindered job opportunities. Seriously. After you've planted you're flower or flowers today, sit down with a box of Girl Scout cookies and watch a Hitchpenis classic. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. First of all, Peanut Butter Patties (or Tag Alongs, as they are now called *grump face*) are clearly the best Girl Scout cookie!
    Secondly, I'm not sure you want to let this gal near a plant seeing as how I seriously believe I have a black thumb. Sorry Mommy Nature, I have certainly racked up a death toll!
    Finally, in my opinion, Psycho should definitely be our Hitchpenis classic of the day!
