Sunday, March 11, 2012

Johnny Appleseed Didn't Need A Middle Name And Never Wore A Watch

Happy Johnny Appleseed Day! Born John Chapman in 1774, Johnny Appleseed is an American folk legend whose real life was just as interesting as the tales told about him. Spiritual, simple, and caring Chapman spent his life walking the U.S, as it was then, and creating orchards as he traveled. Even in the harshest of weather he was usually seen with minimal clothing and never with shoes. If a fire he created disturbed the animals around him, even the smallest of insects, he'd be quick to douse it and sleep in the cold. Chapman believed the more someone struggled through life the more they would be rewarded in the afterlife and thus he led a simple existence. I read a lot about him when I was younger, especially coming from NE Ohio, but now as an adult I'm realizing how amazing his actual life really was. To put it bluntly it's some pretty inspirational shit. Laugh all you want but his life of peace and giving is rare and amazing. Today, eat an apple or more appropriately drink some hard cider as the apples Chapman planted were used widely for this purpose. And yes, he did were a tin on his head. No better place to carry his pot. Seriously.
Happy Middle Name Pride Day! Be proud of that lonely initial, usually used to anchor the first and last name, and let the world know what it means. No reason to hide anymore, little letter. It's time to come out and play. My full name is Adrian Anthony Toto and I'm damn proud of it. Be proud of your middle name today and everyday. And that's all I gotta say about that.
Happy Daylight Savings Time! Aren't you late for work? Yup, it's that time once again to fuck with everyone's sleep patterns, except in AZ, and spring (Get it?) ahead. In the global community we find ourselves in today is it really necessary to continue this old habit? And that's what it is, a habit. The arguments on both sides of DST  can be convincing and depending on which way you exited the bed this morning, either sounds fine. Most people use their cell phones as alarms anymore and luckily those, like many of our modern electronics, automatically make the time shift. Usually. If not you've got 6mins before work starts. Wether you hate DST or love it doesn't matter now because it's done and you've celebrated it, unless you live in Arizona. Fuckers. 5mins till work. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. I do actually enjoy my middle name especially for the fact that it allows my initials to spell a word!
    Also, I'm now much more fond of Johnny Appleseed knowing that the apples he planted we're used mainly for hard cider! My kind of guy! Woot!
