Friday, July 13, 2012

The Barbershop Quartet Went West for Geekdom

On this lost lucky of days, Friday the 13th, we were given the quest of going forth to the western lands! Hey wait, we live in the Southwest already! How is this fair? Well, I guess we just had to figure it out. So, we traveled west on one of the most historic street in all of America: Route 66 (or as we call it, Central Avenue).
 The Holiday Hero before our westward journey!
We ventured forth and what, you may ask, did we find? Why water, of course!
 Mom and son!

 The Rio Grande
 Yeah, I'm not going in there!
Mother and daughter-in-law

Of the many genres of music that are available to the masses, I can't say that the rockin' sounds of a barbershop quartet rank very high in my book. But some people, I'm sure, find them robust and alluring (not quite sure who those people may be, but we'll assume you're out there). Here in ABQ, a b-shop quartet isn't exactly easy to find, but a barbershop is rather simple. Just imagine a quartet dressed in red and white stripes with straw hats and dancing canes are standing in front of this gem:
Yep, even UNM gets a barbershop!
And now for an actual quartet:
Content is not my problem!

And lastly, today is also Embrace Your Geekdom Day. Now I know you're probably thinking, "But Celebration Sensation, didn't we already have a geek day of some sorts?" And yes, you'd be right, but there is never too many days to celebrate the world's geekdom. In our last post, our friends' Justin and Julie were featured with all of their geeky items. This time is our turn!
 New phones and funky ringtones are fun!
I just love Buffy!

We also spent quite a while in a rare book store rummaging through the aisles and shelves searching for a gem! Was your day as exciting and adventurous as ours? Hope so!

CS, out.

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