Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Fastest Gun in the Very Hot West

Yee haw! Celebration Sensation here. I hope you enjoyed Holiday Hero's blog for Sunday, but now you're back with me. Monday, July 23, has several occasions for which to have great celebrations. We have Annie Oakley Day (hence the cowgirlism), Hot Enough for Ya? Day, National Hot Dog Day, and Neptunalia and Salcia Sea Gods Day. And now, we shall begin today's discussion.
So, it's the end of July, and we live in New Mexico. What does that tell you? Yep, you bet! It's fucking hot here. The fact that today was Hot Enough for Ya? Day seems like it definitely could have been any and every day in ABQ from May through September. Anyway today was definitely hot enough for us especially since we spent a good portion of the afternoon on the extremely hot blacktop of a local Mercedes dealership. Let me interrupt your thought process for a moment to tell you that no, I did not get a new job as an expensive car salesperson. HH and I were waiting in line to meet the man who played the Soup Nazi on the hit TV series Seinfeld. As part of a multi-city tour, the Soup Nazi visited Albuquerque to meet fans, take pictures, and hand out Mulligatawny soup, Junior Mints, black and white cookies, Snapple, and other extremely familiar Seinfeld-related foods. It was well over 90 degrees on that blacktop, but HH and I were quite careful. We drank lots of water and tried to keep in the shade as much as possible. However, I did get quite a sunburn. Check out our Kodak moments:
 The soup was awesome!
No soup for you!

Other than being brutally hot out here, it's also part of the "wild west." When you think of the "wild west," a few things come to mind: riding horses, gun fight at the OK corral, and famous gunslingers, outlaws, cowboys, and cowgirls. One of these most famous cowgirls in history was Annie Oakley, and today is the day of the annual Annie Oakley festival. She was one of the fastest guns in the west (she used a shotgun), but, ironically, was born in Ohio! I am totally down with a strong female wielding an awesome weapon! I never had a cap gun as a kid, so I'm living out the fun now.
The dogs seriously don't like my shotgun cap gun!
I've got you in my sights!

One of the most classic parts of summer is having a cookout with friends and family, and those cookouts usually include grilled hotdogs. It's National Hotdog Day, and we were certainly ready to celebrate! Turkey hotdogs are great grilled, boiled, microwaved, or any other way you care to prepare your dogs. Hope you enjoyed your cookout.


Tasty goodness!

Last but not least, today is also Neptunalia and Salcia Sea Gods Day. Anyone who has studied ancient Roman myths of the gods will know that Neptune and Salcia are the god and goddess of the sea, and today is their festival. This seems quite logical since it is the height of the summer's heat and the construction of tree-branch shelters suggest that they were also the gods of water sources in the summer's drought. Fun times for the Romans!
Why are they always naked?

And that's all we've got for today. 

CS, out.

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