Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tug-of-War Battle Between Could Have, Should Have, and Junk Food

It's Saturday, July 21, and we had a major set of holidays to celebrate! Today is National Junk Food Day, Toss Away the "Could Haves" and Should Haves" Day, Tug-of-War Tournament Day, and First Day of the World (Egypt). With that said, let's get started on today's recap of holiday excitement!
I find it only fitting that the first post should be about the First Day of the World. In Egypt, and throughout the area, they celebrate the official beginning of the world on this day and tell their own version of the creation story. Information on this is actually rather difficult to find, but the stories are just as fantastical as any we have ever heard in the U.S.
Time to study up on Egyptian history!
One of the best (and worst) things ever created is definitely junk food. Take a walk down the candy/chips/cookies aisle your local Albertson's Market or Giant Eagle and see what goodies they have to offer. From chocolate chip cookies to Cheddar and Sour Cream potato chips, extra butter popcorn to Swedish Fish, there are a plethora of tasty items down that aisle waiting to be devoured and waiting to "go straight to your love handles." Well, today is the day to go out and enjoy your favorite fatty foods and feel zero guilt!
 Sweets abounding!
Nom, nom, nom!

Now, after eating something quite unhealthy (like junk food) lots of people will regret the decision and say, "I should have stopped at 2 Big Macs" or "I could have had a salad instead." But this isn't the only reason why the "could have's," "should have's," and other modal words come out of people's mouths. Whatever your reason for saying these phrases, STOP IT! Toss away those words today (hopefully forever) and accept what you do on a daily basis.
We take things quite literally in the Holiday Cave!

Today's final holiday is National Tug-of-War Tournament Day. What better way to get out some aggression than to have an all out battle with some rope (or some other length of material) and two opposing sides! In our world, the mini holiday-teers we've got rustling around our cave love to play tug-of-war with their toys, our bedsheets, and anything else they can sink their teeth into! Here's Artie facing off with your Holiday Hero:
 Fierce competitors!
Gotta play fair, HH!

I think that about wraps it up for July 21! Hope your day was awesome!

CS, out.

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