Thursday, July 26, 2012


Caveman pound ground! Catch food. Ooga!

Ok, I'm back. I was just showing off my amazing caveman impression to all of your holiday enthusiasts. Why? Well, duh, today (July 25) is Act Like a Caveman Day. Yep, it's the day when you can walk around with your knuckles scraping the ground carrying a fresh kill home to the cavewoman in your life. Now, seeing as how this is July in New Mexico, it probably wouldn't be too prudent to wear animal skins and furs in the 90 degree heat, but there are plenty of other ways to celebrate. Work on your best caveman smash; eat some raw food; talk in broken sentences with zero adjectives or modifiers. It's all part of the fun!
Need woman...ugh...

And we're back from the prehistoric era to celebrate today's next holiday: Culinarians Day. This is the day where anyone with a drop of culinary abilities should be applauded (and subsequently asked to show off their skills). I actually know quite a few people who can create rather appetizing meals without even thinking about it, but I am definitely not one of them. Your own Holiday Hero can certainly serve up delightful delicacies from the kitchen. Also among our masterful culinary friends includes: Justin, Julie, and Stef.
Yes, chef!
I wouldn't say no to one of his dishes!

Next up, we have to give our childhood props to one of the most fun, and most dangerous, pieces of playground equipment ever invented: the merry-go-round. If you were a kid before parents started to put rubber and soft padding on absolutely everything a child might even think about touching (pansies), you probably had the awesome experience of riding the playground merry-go-round. I certainly did and even had the (dis)pleasure of watching a fellow playgrounder get tossed from the ride and severely break her arm from the fall. Now, if that doesn't make you a stronger kid, I don't know what will! 
Aww...a childhood classic.
Many people will also classify a carousel as a merry-go-round, and I guess it qualifies so just for good measure I suppose we should commemorate that type as well. 
I would still call this a carousel.

Our final holiday is one that I celebrate quite frequently: Thread the Needle Day. I've become rather proficient at cross-stitching (I know, very dorky, but it's really relaxing!), and being able to quickly and easily thread a needle proves extremely useful when working on your project. Struggling with your needle and thread can definitely make you wanna throw your piece across the room and go eat a cookie. I've also been told that threading a needle comes in handy for sewing and other home-making duties, but I don't have first-hand experience there so I'll stick with the cross-stitching example. And show you these lovely pictures of a needle being threaded:

Yay! Needle threaded.

Boo-yah! Holidays celebrated. 

CS, out.

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