Friday, July 13, 2012

Cheering the World with Slurpees

July 11 is World Population Day, Cheer Up the Lonely Day, and Slurpee Day. In this big round ball we call a home planet, there are something like 6 billion people (give or take a few hundred thousand) and yet people find a way to be lonely. I suppose individuals find themselves being lonely when their significant others are at work or their families are miles away, but there is definitely no reason that people should take this loneliness to any extremes. If you're lonely, go outside and find someone to hang out with! Go meet someone new! Your Holiday Hero's mother is in town this week, so they've been doing some mother-son bonding by visiting museums and shopping and other fun stuff, and I stayed at home with the pups. I guess I could say that I was lonely. However, when they came home, I was super happy and not lonely any more! Lonely person cheered! Just for a point of historical reference, Cheer Up the Lonely Day was created by Francis Pesek in order to promote kindness to people who were lonely and forgotten. Happy times!
Go you!

On the brighter side of things, today is also Slurpee Day! Back in our area of Ohio, we really didn't have a variety of gas stations and one of those we did have was not a 7-11. So, Slurpees were not a normal thing for us. We definitely had fun with this holiday! HH had the classic cherry, and I had the Dr. Pepper version.

Tasty and delicious!

Unfortunately, we didn't get a chance to take part in "Free Slurpees" at 7-11, but we still celebrated!

Hope your day was not lonely and was definitely filled with Slurpee goodness!
CS, out!

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