Saturday, July 28, 2012

Blending Barbies and Walking with Stilts

On Friday, July 27, we have had to be quite inventive when it comes to celebrating some of today's holidays. However, one of the holidays came rather easily: Bagpipe Appreciation Day. I've definitely always enjoyed the soothing sounds of the bagpipe, and it's too bad that one of the only times most people hear bagpipe music is when used to play "Amazing Grace" at funerals. Personally, I prefer the bagpipes when used in the rockin' tunes of the Dropkick Murphys! (Thanks to both Space and Justin for their celebratory videos posted on Facebook!)

Next up, we have Barbie-in-a-Blender Day. While this holiday may not seem too difficult to celebrate, we decided that we wanted to find all of the celebratory items through thrift stores on the cheap. We were able to find quite a variety of Barbie dolls, but, apparently, no one likes to donate their blenders to thrift stores. So, we had to improvise.
Barbie procured (Thanks to Jill for pointing out that this may not actually be a tried and true Barbie but still made by Mattel, so I think we're ok.)
 Our improv on the blender turned out to be the Magic Bullet blender. Barbie didn't fit too well!
 Before the blend.
Watch that head spin! It's like Beetlejuice! (Jen, I think you'll will enjoy this.)
 And after the blend!
This is just funny!
So, what's the deal with Barbie in a Blender Day? I'm glad you asked! The origin started with a Utah artist named Tom Forsythe who decided to blend a Barbie. Mattel Corporation found his photo less than amusing and sued the poor man. After that, Barbie in a Blender Day was born! Hope you had as much fun as we did!
Our third holiday celebration of the day allowed us to enjoy being in our pants. It was Take Your Pants for a Walk Day! I wish this holiday was during a bit colder of a month since pants in July in NM isn't always the best idea, but what the heck. Why not? Here's your Holiday Hero strutting his stuff:
 Love his itty bitty feet!
 These pants are ready to go!
Perusing the aisles for a Barbie to blend!
Finally, today is Walk on Stilts Day. Unfortunately, we do not have stilts nor know anyone with stilts to lend. But never fear, your Holiday Hero and Celebration Sensation never sweat these small details so we endeavored to make our own stilts. These are certainly not the stilts you may be used to seeing, but we had to improvise again so give us a break! We got the idea to use thick books wrapped in duct tape as the stilts. Now, I am very much a book worm, so the idea of giving up any books (even for the holiday cause) generally gives me hives. However, I did have two particularly unreadable, unused books lying around that I certainly did not mind donating to the cause. Twilight and New Moon (credit: Stephanie Meyer) have been as useless to me as a bag of dog poop, so why not make stilts out of them? Maybe they will prove useful for SOMETHING!
 Already Edward buckles under the weight of a real man! LOL
 Love this shot!
 Our conclusion: 1) These books truly are useless in every way.

Conclusion 2) Twilight is the real Necrinomicon!

Well, that's everything for today! Thanks to everyone who helped us celebrate and gave us ideas for the stilt manufacturing (Justin, Jeramie)
CS, out.

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