Thursday, July 19, 2012

You Must Be a Dummy to Not Listen to Mandela

In honor of Nelson Mandela's 94th birthday this July 18, 2012, Mandela Day strives to get everyone to either begin or continue their daily efforts to inspire change and truly make the world a better place in any way possible. Your Holiday Hero is in a band called Fort Hobo (check them out, they're awesome: Adrian, Billy, Andrew, and Nate) and they had a show this evening along with two other bands (The Slants and The Henry Clay People). It was very much a punk/metal/rock show and everyone had a fantastic time. I tell you this toward the end of The Henry Clay People's performance, they dedicated a song to Fort Hobo because they said FH's sound and enthusiasm was able to reinvigorate them after a long road tour. I know, how sweet! Then at the end of the show, one of FH's band members, Billy, gave THCP his sunglasses in order to add a little something extra to the performance. After the show, Billy gladly offered the glasses to the lead singer/guitarist of Henry Clay to remind them of what an amazing time they had in Albuquerque. If that's not an effort to inspire the good in people and change the world, I don't know what is. If you can make a change in just one person's life for one moment, I would say that puts the world one more step in the right direction. See, you can inspire goodness even at a rock show! \m/
How did you celebrate?

Our second holiday on the list for today is National Ventriloquism Week. Probably the most well-known and loved ventriloquists of the modern day is Jeff Dunham with his trunk full of little buddies. If you don't know him already, you really should. He's talented, funny, and provides solid humor for the whole family. I'm not usually all about G-rated comedy, but his stuff has its mature innuendos (just like every kids movie/TV show), but still fun for everybody. I've never had the pleasure to see his show or meet him in person, but I have read his autobiography and watched all of his specials. He truly has reinvented ventriloquism and brought it back from the grave it had dug itself. I highly recommend!
I think he's trying to make the "Walter" face!
Definitely one of my favorite holiday bits!

Of course, I had to try the whole speaking without moving my lips, but it didn't work so well. I think I'll leave it to the expert! Enjoy!

CS, out.

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