Thursday, July 19, 2012

Don't Stick Your Tongue Out at Me! I'm a Raspberry Cake and Flitch Independent Retailer

Today is just a random day of fun fulfillment! July 19th is the day to celebrate Stick Out Your Tongue Day (always fun), National Raspberry Cake Day, and National Independent Retailers Week. Because I'm constantly on the look-out for something tasty and delicious, I think I shall start this blog with our celebration of National Raspberry Cake Day!
As a good American couple, we have to frequent the grocery store every so often just to stock up on supplies. While there, we decided to peruse the cakes and candy aisle for the goodies knowing what delectable holiday was on the queue for today. I took a photo of the Holiday Hero with a nice big box of Raspberry Zingers, but my stupid phone decided that picture wasn't worthwhile and got rid of it. Damn thing! Anyway, because my picture is gone, here's another one to hold you over:
Raspberry cake anyone?

Today's next holiday is National Independent Retailers Week. Here in Albuquerque we have a plethora of independent retailers selling myriad goods, especially in the Nob Hill area. From homemade furniture to jewelry, funky gifts to works of art, ABQ has it all. Here's just a glimpse of a few of the local, independent retailers we have in our fair city:
 Antiques are always fun, and there's an awesome book store three doors down!
 Something for the tourists.
And don't forget grabbing a bite at the famous Frontier restaurant!

The third holiday on the agenda is known as Flitch Day and comes to us from as early as the 12th century in England. The custom started in a small town called Dunmore Piory. Couples would come every four years before before a jury of bachelors and maidens to prove that they had been faithful to one another the entire time. If they could adequately prove it, they were given a "flitch," or side, of bacon. According to legend, very few married couples actually received the prize. The tradition was carried on throughout the centuries and referred to in both Piers Plowman as well as "The Wife of Bath" tale in The Canterbury Tales. In 1851, the last gift of bacon was bestowed at the Manorial Court, and the lord of the manor refused to revive the custom after this year. There was strong opposition/support on both sides, but it was revived in 1855 on July 19th. Mock trials of fidelity are still held every four years in Great Dunmow , England in case you were wanting to earn your flitch of bacon! Hurrah!
  Would you and your mate be bringing home the bacon?
And our final holiday today is Stick Out Your Tongue Day! Yes, your mom has probably always told you that it's rude to stick your tongue out at people unless it's your doctor telling you to do so. Today you can feel free of guilt because we are fully expecting you to stick it out for the world to see.
Show us your sexy tongue!
 Got a piercing? Show it off! How about a split tongue? Let's see it! Can yours rival Gene Simmons' extra long tongue? Give us a sneak peak! The Holiday Hero's got the right idea:
Yeah! Suck it Simmons!
Was your day awesome? Ours was. Enjoy!

CS, out.

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