Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Chocolate, Wine, And Your Kidneys

Ok, kiddies, pop on Coldplay's Parachutes, embrace the one you love, and tell them Happy Valentine's Day. It's that wonderful day in February when the price of roses doubles and apparently everyone's love for each other doubles as well. Lies. If you are a person that is usually "too busy" to show the one you love how much you really care than Valentine's is your day to shine but are chocolates in an oversized heart the way to go? Not really. The true way to show your love is done in the trenches of every single day. It's the little things that count the most. Simple gestures of love and concern for another shine through all the B.S. of "if he loves me I'll get a diamond" or "if she loves me I'll get extra laid tonight". You're always carrying that pumper of your's around so use it! I love my wife more everyday and I may say that a lot but only because it's true. As individual as we are everyday our love grows more into one synchronized beat and I get a little closer to understanding my place in the universe. It's to love her and be loved by her. Sorry I took it to the cheese dimension without proper warning but I wanted you to understand my view of Valentine's Day. I love you, Jessica, more and more everyday.
Now, if something happens and you're not using that pumper anymore than you better be a registered organ donor because today is National Organ Donor Day! I've proudly been a registered donor for the past 10 years (that doesn't make me a better person, but it does) and if you aren't take it under strong consideration.
At this moment there are 112,991 people waiting for an organ transplant and everyday 18 of them will die waiting. The really sad fact is that one donor alone can save up to eight people and give that most precious gift of life but so many still are not registered. What the hell do I need my insides for once I'm gone? If my body can give so much life, who am I to deny others? If you're not already, please go to www.organdonor.gov and register today. Don't be selfish with those internals.
Our final holiday comes from a galaxy far, far away known as Bulgaria. Happy Trifon Zarezan Day! St. Trifon is the patron of vine-growers, that's right you drunks, we're celebrating wine today! This is also a day to mark the end of Winter's dying and the beginning of Spring's rebirth. TZD is such a popular holiday that many celebrate it twice, once on February 1 and again today. This happens mainly because one is in line with the old claendar and the other following the new holiday calendar but also it's another reason to feast and drink. Any complaints? I didn't think so. Many of the old traditions have been lost but the one that remains is that the more wine that flows on this day, the more successful this year's crops will be. So crack a bottle of Mavrud, have some fresh bread with chicken, and drink until those crops hit the sun.

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