Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Holy Leaping Lepers Batman! The Joker Is Trying To Reverse Time!

Happy Leap Day! Happy 60th day of the year! Happy 7th Birthday to those of you born today in 1984! (My birth year.) Now put that beer down! Your parents should be ashamed of themselves letting you drink at such a young age. Time being man's creation and the Gregorian Calendar, in use since the mid 16th Century, needing to add an extra day every four years only shows how our concept of time is flawed. I know. I'm getting way too heavy for 8am. Some people live and die by the clock. Wake up, drive, punch in, lunch, punch out, drive, TV, and death. Now, I shouldn't be too harsh having my own firm 630am wake up time but I like to get the most out of everyday possible. I'm not suggesting we all say "Fuck it!" and be completely irresponsible but sometimes people need to cut the cord of societal norms that tell you to grind out life in order to be happy. Birth, school, college, job, family, retirement, and death. "Fitter, healthier, and more productive." Not so much. Hair loss, heart attack, and death are more realistic. Leap Day only comes around every four years but not in end-of-century years unless they are exactly divisible by 400. Jesus. Anyways, what I'm trying to say is maybe take time today and think about what runs your life. You or the clock? *This message has been brought to you by the International Leap Year Association of Time Anarchists and Battery Express Owners*
The second holiday today now completely negates all that freeing your life shit I just wrote in the last paragraph. It's National Time Management Month Observance Day! That's right, readers, time to work on that schedule and pencil in your first heart attack. I'm thinking the best way to celebrate is to write up a schedule for my day and share it with all of you beautiful people. Because sharing is caring. OK, here it goes...

0630: Wake up and dismiss alarm.
0634: Actually get out of bed.
0635: Pee
0637: Still peeing. (I drink a lot of liquids.)
0640: Put on pants and walk dogs.
0645: Back from dog walking and time to prepare my coffee.
0655: Fire up computer, check email and Facebook.
0700: Start writing blog post.
0800: Finish blog post.
0900: Walk dogs again.
0930: Take Jessica to school.
1000: Get home and walk dogs, again.
1030: Job and art project searches.
1100: Continue searches and have light lunch. (Usually peanut butter.)
1200: Workout.
1245: Start shower.
1248: Finish shower.
1250: Wander around house in towel cleaning up any messes bugging me. (I'm neurotic.)
1330: Get dressed and walk dogs. (Yes, again.)
1400: Go work on art projects with the collective.
1650: Head home smelling like paint with the windows down.
1705: Get home, and you guessed it, walk the dogs.
1730: Look in the fridge and find nothing appetizing.
1731: Practice guitar.
1845: Stop playing guitar to check out fridge again. Nothing.
1900: Work on book cover and other new projects with documentary playing on Netflix.
2100: Walk dogs. (God help me.)
2120: Leave to pick up Jessica from school.
2135: Arrive at school and put up public art.
2155: Finally get to see Jessica again.
2200: Head to pick up our mid week fast food. (It's a guilty pleasure.)
2230: Get home and of course, walk the dogs.
2235: Eat our ridiculously late dinner and watch shitty B-Movie.
2310: Go to bed and listen to audio book.
2311: Asleep.
Throughout the day add in several pee breaks. Too many to remember.

1 comment:

  1. And since it is Leap Day, I do believe Groupon will be making a sale on that paragliding deal! Woot!
