Saturday, February 11, 2012

I Spilled Milk On My Shirt But Still Made A Friend

Hey, kiddies, it's Dont Cry Over Spilled Milk Day! Basically, in my opinion (which is the final word being my fucking blog) this day is to remind you to not get upset over the little things. Pretty damn simple but if you want we can discuss a deeper meaning to today, and we will because this page is dedicated to truthful and intelligent conversation. (Don't laugh.) If you think you're having a bad day and that you're life is SO terrible because Trader Joe's ran out of your favorite organic yogurt, or you woke up two minutes before the alarm, or they don't have your jean size at Old Navy. Just remember that you're lucky enough to be sitting in front of a computer and you have probably just eaten and have a full tum tum and that you're not out on the streets begging for change to get a $.99 fry from McD's. So many people have hardships that are beyond most of our imaginations and to complain about the little things, when you put it in perspective, seems almost criminal. Don't cry over that milk. Fuck that milk. Remember, perspective.
Quit being the shy, awkward dude/dudette in the corner and celebrate National Make A Friend Day! Facebook "friends" do not count. I don't really have much to say about this except, give up being a hermit for one day and maybe you'll meet a person that shares your general dislike for government and cell phones and maybe you'll find a roomie for that new cabin of your's in Wyoming. I'll be out making friends and you should too!
The final celebration for today is White T-Shirt Day! This has become a lost observance for most except those in the auto industry as it is a day to commemorate the 1937 sitdown strike of GM which led to the UAW being the sole voice of the auto worker. On Feb. 11, 1937 the strike was ended and beginning in 1948 the first White Shirt Day was recognized with three basic rules for all union members to follow: 1. Everyone must wear a white shirt or blouse. 2. Your white shirt must not get dirtier than your boss's shirt. 3. Safety and work rules must be followed. I'm wearing a white shirt today to not only support the UAW but all union workers and all the blue collar workers. I come from a blue collar family of men and women with a work ethic and toughness that is becoming a rarity in current society. (My Grandpa could hammer in nails and pull screws with his bare hands.) I'm proud to wear my white shirt today to commemorate all the bad asses who wore hard hats and work boots everyday, who drank boilermakers at 5a.m. after a midnight shift, and did all they could to make the best life possible for their families.

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