Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Letters To Grenada From Ballet Dancers

Well, it's Ballet Day...again. Break out the tutus, take up bulimia, and pirouette until your eyes bleed. OK, ballet facts. Go! Coming from the courts of Italy in the 15th Century and later developed into a concert dance form by the French and Russians, ballet has become an extremely technical dance form and boasts it's own vocabulary. The word Ballet comes from the Greek term of Ballizo which means "to jump about in tights with codpieces and  puffy skirts." (Oddly precise definition.) Pointe shoes were developed in the early 20th Century by Anna Pavlova, not only as a way to increase dancers onstage technical abilities but to improve the effectiveness of the secret ballet ninja brigades used by Vladimir Lenin known as the Балет бригады. Black Swan: true story. Maybe I'll learn a couple of moves today, maybe I'll break an ankle, or maybe I'll get the lead in Swan Lake. *fingers crossed* Whatever happens I'll be sure to post pics or video for your entertainment.
Happy Independence Day Grenada! On February 7, 1974 independence was granted by then Premier Sir Eric Matthew Gairy, who later became Grenada's first Prime Minister, and they lived happily ever after. Wait...they didn't? Shit. Between the U.S. breaking international law and invading in 1983, in country fighting over election results, and most recently Hurricane Ivan, Grenada has a reputation of getting the shaft. Let's not dwell on Grenada getting fucked but what this wonderful island commonwealth has to offer. Grenada is a leading producer of several spices including: cinnamon, cloves, ginger, and nutmeg just to name a few. Already a popular tourist destination for the beach bum and water sports crowd (get your mind out of the gutter), Grenada is now also becoming a popular spot for ecotourists/hippies. So, join me today and celebrate Grenada's independence by holding off your invasion of a small country, eating tons of spices, or just enjoying some island music.
It's Send A Card To A Friend Day! Now, I believe this was some bullshit holiday created by Hallmark or that other company just to sell more cards, even though Valentine's Day is one week from today. I'll show those greedy bastards and send Christmas cards bought on clearance. Take that, Hallmark. *shakes fist* I'll be spreading some unexpected cheer today (like I have a choice) and invite you to do the same. Even if you don't have any cards laying around, make one! As horrible as it may turn out it's always the thought that counts or at least that's what friends/family say until you leave and it ends up in the trash.

P.S. I'm still sick but getting better. That is all.


  1. Oh boy! Who will be the lucky card recipient(s)? Can't wait to find out! I do believe you should learn some ballet so that you may leap across the stage in grandeur while escaping the dreaded mouse king (had to stick with the Xmas theme here)!

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