Saturday, February 25, 2012

Pistols And Chili: We're Not Just Boosting Self-Esteem But Manliness

YeeHaw! *Bang bang* It's National Chili Day! (Wow. I need to apologize for that opening.) What to say about "the soup of the devil'? Hmm...There are many types of chili all with very specific flavor profiles for insta...WAIT. I'm doing more research and found that yesterday was this year's National Chili Day. Son of a bitch! How the fuck did that happen? I haven't run into this situation before. Fuck. Upon further research I've found it's National Chocolate Covered Nuts Day! No worries. (Time to recover, Adrian. Woosah. Woosah.) OK, chocolate covered nut facts. Go. The first recorded marketing of chocolate covered nuts was in London, England in the mid 1850's, even though they had probably been around for a century before that, by a man named Frederick Upton Sacks a peanut salesman and an avid taxidermist. Seriously. Chocolate covered nuts were believed to have healing abilities and according to legend a large chocolate coated walnut brought the great Prince Westley back from the grips of death when all else failed. During WWI when allied forces, especially British, would run low on ammunition in the trenches old chocolate covered nuts fit perfectly down the barrel of their Lee Enfield .303 rifle. Seriously. I invite you, no, I command you to read more about the amazering history of chocolate covered nuts and after you've read for a few hours and have a true appreciation for them, then you can eat some. But only then. Oh, and if you're allergic to nuts don't worry because the chocolate coats and protects you. Seriously. (Not it does not. Do not eat them if you are allergic. Seriously.)
I'm good enough. I'm smart enough. And doggone it, people like me. Today we celebrate International Boost Self-Esteem Month! Now, I have no idea where the hell this comes from but, in my opinion, it's a damn good idea. Never be ashamed of who you are and never let the soul suckers get you down. You are you. You are great. You are important. I've struggled a lot with self-esteem over the years and at times the lack of has pushed me into severe depression which without family I might have never come back from. These low points showed me how much I meant to those around me and that was the seed I needed in growing my self-esteem back up. (I wouldn't suggest severe depression as a method to build self-esteem. Seriously.) It can be a daily stuggle to love yourself and feel confident in who you are but always remember: You ARE good enough. You ARE smart enough. And doggone it, people DO like you.
Last but not least it's National Pistol Patent Day! *Bang bang* On this day in 1836 Samuel Colt received his patent for the Colt Revolver Pistol and would change the firearm industry forever-ever-ever-ever-ev. (Echo effect.) You may be wondering, "What's the best way to celebrate today, Adrian?" Simple. Shoot a fucking pistol. Safely! Don't just run outside and start popping off rounds like it's the southside of town on New Year's Eve. I can not say it enough. Be safe. Now, let's shoot some fucking guns until our self-esteem is through the fucking roof. I've never shot a gun before so I figured today is the perfect day to try it out but to be completely honest I'm a little nervous. I mean, it is a fucking gun. They are used to kill things. A lot of things. But if I use my head, not as a target, and proper handling safety than I will be fine. I'll be reporting back later to let you all know how my pistol adventure turns out and if you feel like hitting the range today then fucking go for it. Safely. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. You are awesome Adrian! That's why I married you! Can't wait to shoot some guns! Yee haw!
