Sunday, February 5, 2012

Weathermen Wrestle In Nutella During Half-Time

Put on your double-breasted suit, grab your blue screen, and try to guess this week's weather. (Only 25% accuracy required.) It's National Weatherman's Day! I've taken a few minutes today and emailed my local weathermen and women to wish them a happy holiday. (and to promote the blog) We all joke that we could do their job but massive, huge, even goofy cojones are required to get on television daily and predict/guess the weather. I might try my hand at a little forecasting today and most likely fail horribly. Thank your local weatherpeople today with a box of candy, maybe a card, or a new hair piece.
Holy hell it's Super Bowl Sunday! Football! America! Beer! Domestic violen...wait a minute. Definitely, scratch the last one. Put the kids in their cages and gather around the television with the worst things you can find to eat and booze. Piles of booze. I shouldn't say that. You know what? Whatever you feel like indulging in whether it be beer, granola, Doritos, or souls do it. Have fun even if you don't like football. It's just another reason to get together with friends or family and enjoy each other's company and who doesn't enjoy that? Unless, you hate your family and have no friends. (Cats don't count as friends, every lady ever on Hoarders.) Here is a quick rant about this year's half time show. Madonna? Seriously, what the fuck? Is this 1986? Didn't that clown become British? (I could've used a much worse term than clown but I'm showing restraint. Bitch.) Hey, we're the Super Bowl Half Time Show Committee. Who could we get that most Americans could give two fucks about anymore and hasn't had a hit in over a decade? Hmm...Hanson? No. Eagle Eye Cherry? No. Rob Thomas? No. Madonna? Yes! She ruined Guy Ritchie for eight years so let's see what she can do to half time. Not that half time has been any good in recent memory but damn. Now, reading this you might think I'm some nutball for going off on the half time show but I could really care less. It's just so ridiculous it required mentioning. OK, I'm done. Have a fun Super Bowl experience!
Finally. *epic music* God's last gift to mankind after that Jesus's World Nutella Day! From all accounts Nutella is a jar of God Butter. (That is straight gross.) I've never actually had Nutella and today will be my first time but what a perfect day for it. Once tasted I'll post my reaction and here's hoping that everyone I know isn't full of shit. (That was mean. I love you all. Well, most of you.) Should I have it straight on the spoon, or with bread, or some form of cracker? I'm thinking straight no cracker. No taste bud interference. It's chocolate hazlenut spread. How could you fuck that up? Oh darn, there's too much chocolate. Shucks, this hazelnut is too abundant. It should be chemically impossible to ruin and if it turns out to be a dud I'll have to question if my own taste buds are functioning properly before I question the Nutella's flavor. I've gone too far and now madness has set in. First it's the half time show and now some nut butter. (Yeah, I said nut butter.) I should just go now. Yeah, I'm gonna go. Cheers!

P.S. Well, it has been nearly two weeks and I'm still going strong. I've found it extremely healthy to wake up every morning and force myself to write a few paragraphs. They may not always be good and most of the time aren't but letting my brain spew 750 words a day feels good. I'm learning so many new facts, as trivial as some may be, I'm still learning. It can be a challenge some mornings but those are the most rewarding and if people read this or not, I don't care. (Well, just a little.) 

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