Sunday, August 5, 2012

Casting World Webs with Spidey

It's August already! Holy shitballs! When did this happen? At least it's only 3 days until my 26th birthday, but that's a whole separate blog. Today's blog is all about the most fun and obsessive parts of life: Spiderman, Sports, the World Wide Web, and simplifying your life. And so we begin:
Because he has become such a worldwide phenomenon thanks to comics, movies, and TV shows, I feel it is only fitting to start the blog with Spiderman Day. Spiderman is alter ego identity of a nerdy boy named Peter Parker who was bitten by a radioactive spider and became a super hero who can shoot webs out of his hands and soar above the city on said webs.  Personally, he's not my favorite super hero (sorry Space) but I have to give credit where it is due. I could definitely handle having those kinds of powers! Three movies came out in the early 2000s starring Toby Maguire and a reboot has recently hit the theaters, so it is definitely a good time to Spiderman. We are literally finding him everywhere!
 Where did the Holiday Hero go?
 Quick! After that Spider-guy!
 Oh no! The Lizard Person!
 Don't forget your Spidey party supplies!

Lots of supplies!
Yep, webs...everywhere!

Next up, we have Sports' Day. It seems quite appropriate that we are celebrating this holiday today and at the same time we are getting to watch the 2012 Summer Olympics. If you have ever wanted to see the largest group of sports in the span of about 10 days, this is the time. We've been able to watch such sports as swimming, diving, water polo, soccer, track and field, gymnastics, volleyball, and many other awesome sports. It really makes you feel lazy! To celebrate today (other than the Olympics), we did our usual kickboxing routine with Tae Bo and we also went to Target and checked out their sporting equipment. Just look at the sporting goods aisle:
Don't worry HH, football season will be starting soon!

Our third holiday of the day is World Wide Web Day. Anyone who has lived in a modern country in the last 20 years has been able to experience the wonders of the World Wide Web! Happy birthday to the World Wide Web--you are 21 this year! Many children, teenagers, and college freshman have never known the world without the use of a computer without a super brain inside of it where all the information they could ever need can be accessed at any time. Encyclopedias, dictionaries, and other large, heavy books have become, unfortunately, things of the past because of the Web, but those of us who actually know what a card catalog is, we'll always remember. 
Yep, it has taken the world by storm.

And last but not least, we have National Simplify Your Life Week. Well, if using the Web doesn't simplify your life, I don't know what will, but we also took other steps to simplify our lives. For example, we thought about actually cooking dinner but decided that we would simply have someone else cook for us! In other words, we had dinner out. Simplicity!

Ok, hope your day was awesome!
CS, out.

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