Sunday, August 26, 2012

Hwaet! Poets and Elders!

And we're back...once again! We only have two celebrations today (Tuesday, August 21), but we can do them right! Our first holiday for the day is Poets' Day. As the former editor-in-chief of YSU's literary magazine The Penguin Review, I feel like poetry and Poets' Day is a close day to my heart. Now, as an Anglo-Saxonist, I need to understand poetry from poets who lived centuries ago. From medieval to modern, I've got it all...
Shout-outs to Phil Brady, Steven Reese, all my medieval friends, and my crews from The Penguin Review!

Second, and lastly, we celebrate Senior Citizen's Day today. In many cultures, the elders of the tribe are honored every day and looked upon as the wisest of the group. In the U.S., we don't always have that few, unfortunately, so today this holiday gives us a chance to honor our elders as they deserve.
Me and my grandfather.

And that's it for today! Enjoy.

CS, out.



  2. Your face even looks the same as a baby :) nice photo!

  3. Thanks Mica! It's probably one of my favorite photos. Doug, you really like spreading that Urban Dictionary entry, huh?
