Monday, August 13, 2012

Not So Left-Handed Legacy

         Holy Left Handed Jesus, Batman! It's Left Hander's Day! I'm right handed and to be honest left handers scare me. How do they write? Their hands look oddly bent and nearly broken when scribbling. They make it hard for instrument companies and everyone thinks it's amazing when they can play guitar backwards. Give me a fucking break. One of my best friends is left handed and if he reads this, well, I guess I'll apologize when the time comes. Sorry, duder. Being both right handers Jess and I decided to have a left handed writing comeptition. Are you ready to pick the winner?

Who won? You be the judge.

Finally, to all lefties out there. Try being normal and use your right hand. I still love you all just don't write in front of me.
         Second and final celebration today is "What Will Be Your Legacy?" Month Observance Day! Are you leaving your mark? Are you working on it? Do you care? Well, this month you should. I'm busting my ass currently on my first solo show which opens in a couple months and for me my art will be my legacy. (Hopefully.) I want to leave my mark and my legacy in the art world. Want to see a picture of me at Work Center Alpha? Of course you do.

This will be my world for the next six weeks. Come visit. Observe. Get put to work.
I know it's a short post today but I'm living and you're living and we should live this life to the fullest. Go forth and holiday! Cheers!

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