Monday, August 13, 2012

Wanna Hear A Presidential Joke? And Other Awesome Things

           George W. Bush was President...twice! (That joke was created, trademarked, and marketed by Jessica Troy LLC.) That's right, children, I'm back and on fire. Let's fucking do this. The date was Saturday the eleventh of August in our lord's year of 2012 and it was good. Well, being that Presidential Joke Day is covered let's move onto something else and that something else is...umm...Play In The Sand Day! Want some photgraphic evidence? I'm sure you do, perverts.
Jessica's feet in the sand. Exciting.

My best impersonation of Bigfoot. No human could walk that way.

The sand here is usually annoying and full of cigarette butts and sadly Satuday it was no different. I do love sand even though I never had a sand box as a kid but a giant dirt pile. That's right in Ohio you don't get sand to play in. You get dirt. Glorious dirt. So, if you have sand to play in and it's not full of needles, enjoy it!
          What's next? Hmm...National Garage Sale Day! Nothing better than arguing over $.25 for a spoon but that is what garage sales are all about. We decided to go to the best garage sale around: The NM State Fairgrounds Flea Market! Every week it's like a garage sale orgy. Minus the sex or at least I hope so. We snapped a few photos on the DL just to be safe for those afraid of the government having their photo on record. Let's go to the pics now.

Look at all those fucking shoes. 

Can you find Waldo?

"Holy shit. Is that Hoffa's body?" 
"I'll give you a buck."

Saturday was als...what a weak ass transition. Let's try that again. That Saturn's Day was also Son and Daughter's Day! I'm a son and Jessica is a daughter. Celebrated. Alright, I'll give you some pics of us with our parents to prove we're not pod people.

Father and the beautiful Bride!

My Mommy and Me.

Lastly, Chad's Independence Day! Happy freedom Chad! Wouldn't it be amazing if this was a day to celebrate some dude named Chad and the day his divorce was finalized? Well it's not and anyways this is far more importante. 

I'm guessing they don't have stupid, faded "These colors don't run!" bumper stickers.

Independent since 1960. Suck it, France.

And that's all there is to say about that. Cheers!

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