Sunday, August 12, 2012

I Saw a Preposterous Serpent By the Lighthouse

Ahoy Holiday-teers! Today (Tuesday, August 7) is jam-packed full of the most random holiday fun we could find! As such, I think we need to kick this blog into high gear and get right to the celebratory parts!

First up is National Lighthouse Day. If you live or have lived near the coast or by one of the Great Lakes, you have no doubt seen, been to, or walked up a lighthouse. Today is the day to go visit one, if you can, learn about their history, or simply marvel at the thought that people around the world visit them for fun. In 1787, Congress approved an act for the establishment of lighthouses, buoys, and other sea-related navigational objects. Sorry, I went to the Lake Erie lighthouse too many times, so they're not exactly on the top of my fun to-do list. Here's a picture of Lake Erie's Marblehead Lighthouse anyway:

Up next we have National Night Out. Despite the sound of this holiday, it does not, in any way, have anything to do with having fun out on the town! Rather, this celebration has everything to do with neighborhood safety to ensure a happy and healthy environment for everyone. This evening a group of us ladies (Julie, Emilee, Megan, and myself) got together for syllabus shenanigans (very dorky but quite entertaining), had a few drinks, and made Justin feel slightly awkward while we ogled pics of Jason Statham among other Hollywood hotties. As good, honest, and safe citizens, we made sure that we ate enough and let plenty of time pass before anyone took to the wheel and drove. We all made it home safely! The National Night Out crew would be so proud.
Teachers for Safety!

Our third holiday of the day is Particularly Preposterous Packaging Day! I simply adore this celebration for a couple of reasons: 1) The alliteration kills me! All of those p's! 2) It gives me a reason to send things to people in ridiculous ways! Woot. However, the creators of this holiday claim that it is a day to commemorate the ridiculousness and frustration of the packaging of commonplace items like aspirin bottles. I think that's a bit lame, so we celebrated in out own way! Check out our awesome packaging techniques:

 Can't wait until the recipients get these babies!

Finally, we have Sea Serpent Day. Thousands of people claim to have seen giant sea serpents in the oceans--even Beowulf had to fight sea serpents just to get through a swimming match with Brecca--but today is the day to celebrate what is actually in the water: giant oarfish reaching sizes of up to 55 feet! I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that this oarfish truly is a sea serpent!
Yeah, I wouldn't want to get caught up in this thing!
Now THIS is a sea serpent!
Alright, that's it for today! Hope you've had fun.
CS, out.