Sunday, August 5, 2012

Living Better through Devotion, Mutts, and Linguistics

Welcome to the holiday fun for Tuesday, July 31! We've got four celebrations on the docket, so there's no point putting it off any longer. Let's get started...
Have you ever heard someone say that "tomorrow's another day"? I'm sure you have and subsequently rolled your eyes at how cliche and unhelpful that statement can sound.  However, today is the day to truly bring that statement to life because it is Always Live Better than Yesterday Day! It's a pretty simple idea: make today better, funnier, more exciting, more romantic, more fun, and generally more awesome than the day before in any way that you can! To celebrate, we spent the better portion of the day together as a devoted couple (I'll get to this one in a minute) watching Breaking Bad--this always makes my day better to catch up on a show--and also enjoying the pleasure of the company of our two loveable mutts (another I will get to momentarily). All in all, I do believe that counts as living better than the day before (although yesterday wasn't a bad day either)!

Alright up next is Devoted Couples Day.  Holiday Hero and I have known each other since I was 17 years old (I'm now 26), and we've now been married for 1 year and 2 months. If that doesn't scream devotion, I don't know what else does. I'm definitely of the opinion that he and I will grow to be one of those old couples that you see in the movies holding hands at the park watching the young whipper-snappers run around in the grass.
 This = This (minus the g-ma pants)

Third on the list is Mutts' Day. Are you a fan of primping your dog in order to make him/her resemble the breed standard and parade them around an arena being judged and scrutinized by "experts" in the field? If so, this holiday is probably not up your alley. Mutts' Day is all about those dogs who aren't entirely clear what their heritage is or what breed they are. All they care about is making their human happy and knowing where the food bowl is. Mutts are not purebreds and honestly couldn't care less about it. We have two amazing little mutts whom we love more than anything in the whole world, and we couldn't live without them. Who could resist these faces?
Aren't they cute?

And finally we get to honor the many languages around the world this month because it is National Foreign Language Month. Here in New Mexico Spanish is, for some, their primary language. Personally, I took Spanish for quite a while in high school as well as my undergraduate career, but it has since been overtaken by Latin, Old English, and Middle English. Here we see all of my previous and current texts:
I have more in the Old English group, but I declined to put them out there.

Stay tuned for even more holiday hilarity and excitement!
CS, out.

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