Monday, August 6, 2012

What a Wondrous Day!

Today (August 4) is definitely one of the best days of the entire world! Wanna know why? Today is the birthday of yours truly, and it has been quite a fabulous day for me. I woke up rather early (6 a.m. to be specific) so as to be out in the foothills area by 7 in order to meet with my paragliding instructor and group for my first paragliding flight! It was the most amazing experience in my life thus far, and I would be more than happy to go again and perhaps becoming a certified pilot. Here's the video of my flight taken by your Holiday Hero from the ground:
I look so tiny!

After my flight, we decided to go to Denny's for my free birthday breakfast (I know...very "Breaking Bad"). We then came home and prepared for the birthday bash at our bungalow by watching zombie movies since the party was definitely zombie themed. Over the course of the evening, we watched 6 zombie movies! Eventually, party time arrived and our fantastic guests came over. Check out some of the fun we had at the party:
 We even had real zombies at the party!

 Pictures with Steve, our friend the zombie:

 Thanks to Julie for making me an amazing cake!

 Steve attacked us as well!

Whew! What a night! And I received some amazing presents. Among them is a handmade skull bracelet (I love it Megan), Amazon gift card (You know I'll put this to good use Emilee, Michael, and Alex), Dominos set (How did you know, Doug?), St. Lazaro candle (patron saint of lepers whose scabs are eaten by dogs (you're awesome and gross Nate)--fits in so well with the party theme), and some beautiful flowers (thank you Katie and Erik)! In addition to Julie's delightful cake, Nate also made me an amazing peach cobbler with whip cream. I feel so loved. 
Thank you to everyone who helped me celebrate my 26th birthday!

While my birthday is certainly a tough holiday to top, there are two additional holidays that deserve to be discussed as well. These two are both food-related, so I think I will lump them into one short discussion: Mustard Day as well as Orange and Papaya Month. I am quite definitely a fan of both mustard and oranges--not so much papaya--just not together. Mustard goes well on summer foods like hot dogs and cheeseburgers, so I feel it is only fitting that Mustard Day comes in August.  As I said earlier in the blog, we went to Denny's for my birthday breakfast, and orange juice was, not unusually, part of the meal. I also regularly keep some type of orange in fridge:
 Yep! Three bottles of mustard and two types.

Hope your day was as awesome as mine!
CS, out.

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