Sunday, August 5, 2012

Do Top Dog Fathers-in-Law Laugh at Cheesecake?

It is time once again to recap the holidays we've celebrated today (Monday, July 30), and they certainly commemorate a wide range of subject matter. Since there are five celebrations to discuss and enjoy, we shall begin!
First up, we have Father-in-Law Day. Upon marriage between two individuals, the fathers of each marital partner become the father-in-law to the opposite partner of their child. This is an extremely complicated method of explaining how a man becomes a father-in-law, but I suppose marriage is also rather complicated to it's quite fitting. Well, since the Holiday Hero and I are happily married, we each have our own fathers-in-law. Here's my dad and HH's father-in-law:
My awesome dad!

Next on the list is a tasty holiday, and we all know how much I <3 the tasty ones! Today is National Cheesecake Day, and I certainly love cheesecake in all of its various incarnations. The main ingredient (among its many ingredients) is cream cheese but the added toppings and fillings truly make cheesecake a dessert to celebrate. In fact, cheesecake is so amazing that records show that this dessert (or a variety of it) was served as far back as 770BC! Something that old cannot be wrong!
 So many types, so little tummy room!

Even Fat Free yogurt can taste awesome!

Thirdly is a holiday which I believe should be celebrated on a daily basis: Make Someone Laugh Day. Whether you are making a funny face to a baby (always works for some odd reason) or telling a randy joke, making someone laugh certainly never goes out of style! Just remember: keep on laughing!
Even death made him laugh!

Following the laughter is our fourth holiday known as Paperback Book Day. Any holiday that commemorates books in any format is definitely worthy of a thorough celebration from those in my family. This day actually celebrates the first publication of a Penguin book on July 30, 1935. My house is certainly full of paperback as well as hardback books including quite a few Penguin books. Here's your Holiday Hero enjoying the paperback version of The Hobbit:
Excellent night time reading.

And last but not least is Top Dog Day! In our house, we've got two top dogs: Cassidy and Arthur. They are our little boys, and they certainly like to think of themselves as the top dogs in our house. Deciding between the two would be quite difficult. What do you think?
 Make room for the boys!

Ok, that's it! Hope your day was top notch and tasty!
CS, out.

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