Friday, August 17, 2012

Finding IS Fun!

Why hello there my dearies and kiddies, girlies and ghoulies. It is I, your Celebration Sensation, back once again to bring you another tasty morsel of holiday goodness. It's Friday, August 17, and we have plenty to discuss, so let's hop in:
Our first holiday is rather political in nature, but sexually charged. For those of you who aren't aware, today is Meaning of "Is" Day. Way back in the 90s, President Bill Clinton was involved in a White House scandal from the accusation of sleeping with an intern named Monica Lewinski. During the trial, he defended his position of innocence through semantics and definition. Literally, he attempted to prove that he was innocent by defining a core word in the English language: is. Yes folks, the 3rd person, singular, present conjugation of of the anomalous verb "to be" was is main line of defense! Genius!
Who can follow that?

Well, it's not a "who" that is following Clinton, more of a "what" that follows in the form of Men's Grooming Day. Any woman who has ever been around a guy that has been well-groomed and smells amazing will probably tell you that it can definitely be more of an aphrodisiac than chocolates or champagne any day! However, being around a guy that isn't so well-groomed is definitely not so fun! So, this is the day to either continue your current routine; much like Patrick Bateman:
The ultimate in men's grooming!
Or it's the day to rethink your grooming strategy and/or listen to the advice of this blogger on the importance of male hygiene. All the men I know are definitely not as OCD as Mr. Bateman up there but certainly have well-defined grooming habits. Just look at these guys:
 Be careful with that razor, Holiday Hero!
 Michael getting a pedi!

 Doug and the straight razor!

Thanks to the holiday investigatory work of Julie, we now have Black Cat Appreciation Day. As a black cat owner, Julie and Justin understand and appreciate the funkiness and fun of owning their little boy Aetheling. He's a shy guy, so no picture available, but rest assured he is definitely a cutie pie! This is a good day to dispel the myth of the unluckiness of a black cat crossing your path. They are just like any other cat--just a little more goth! One of my absolute favorite movies features a black cat, and it is a rather cool use of the black cat as horror genre.
Gives new meaning to "Sound the alarm!" 

And, last but not least, we celebrate National Thriftshop Day. Your Holiday Hero and I absolutely love going to thrift stores like Thrift Town and GoodWill because, although there is a stigma of buying things at a second-hand store, you truly never know what you might find. We visited a local shop called Thrift Town this afternoon and definitely found some amazing things. Some we bought:
We found: an amazing briefcase, Jack the Ripper book, Tenure game, answering machine from the early 90s, jeans, boombox (not pictured), and 2 cassettes to play in the answering machine. So exciting!

While still in the store, we found a couple of things that we didn't buy but were still quite cool:
 He loved the pink desk!
 I just thought this was cool!
 For some reason, this truck was squishy.
My family had the same answering machine!

Our good friend Amanda in Pennsylvania also visited a couple of thrift stores (with grand excitement) and sent us this awesome photo:
Great photo!

And there you have it! Another one bites the dust!
CS, out.

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