Friday, August 17, 2012

Mmmm...Creamy. Fourteenth...teenth...teenth...of August was National Creamsicle Day! What a glorious day it was. Why was it NCD? Who fucking cares?! It's an amazing day and you shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth or question it's holiday credentials. We were able to score a Creamsicle from a slightly scary looking, corner establishment in downtown. Here are a couple of photos to prove that we, are in fact, amazing.

Like a deer in the creamy headlights.

Jessica took a bite and then a photo.

This past Tuesday was also our observance day for Family Fun Month! What did we do? We fucking rocked out with out Fort Hobo family. But first I want to post a very lovely photo of our great friend Beth and her husband enjoying some family fun at a minor league game. I just want to say how awesome Beth has been in helping us celebrate so many holidays! I can't thank her enough for all of her support!

Play ball!

As for Jess and myself we had a fun night of rockin', rollin', and general silliness with the Fort Hobo family. Want some pics? Yeah you do.

It got real.

This is what happens when you stick a bunch of punks in a small space.

Andy's face says it all.

If you're wondering where Jess is, who do you think snagged all these great photos? (Minus Beth's of course.) You have a whole month to have some family fun, so don't screw it up! Go forth and holiday! Cheers!

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