Sunday, August 26, 2012

Throwing Cupcakes at the Birthday Boy

Hey! It's Monday, August 20, and today is an extremely special day because it is the Holiday Hero's 28th birthday. Although he didn't want to do anything special to celebrate getting one year closer to 30, we first went to see the movie Paranorman with Andy. Before Andy arrived, we had the entire theater to ourselves (perhaps it was because the movie was at 12 noon on a Monday). Adrian was "big pimpin'"
It's good to be king!
 Then, after the movie concluded, I had the boys pose in front of the Hotel Transylvania cut-out (because I'm nice like that). They weren't exactly excited about it:

Later that evening, we decided to head out to the Isotopes game. What an event that turned out to be! After walking to the game with a blanket and picnic, HH had to walk back home because no outside food is allowed in the field (remember that, Andy). I felt so bad, but he insisted on walking. Once he got back, we watched the game and it was the worst game I've seen in a long while (and I'm a Cleveland Browns fans).
 It was $.50 hot dog night. Just look at that face and you'll see if they were worth it!
 Yep, good seats for a shitty game!
By the 7th inning stretch, the 'Topes were down 19-7! We decided to roll/slide down the abandoned hill (previously occupied by children of many ages), and that certainly made the night much more interesting.
After much coercion, HH finally took the plunge!
I didn't need much coxing!
Our second holiday, Cupcake Day, works well with it being Holiday Hero's birthday! Rather than having a birthday cake, we procured cupcakes for the night's festivities. While we had planned to take them into the game with us and have a lovely picnic, the stadium staff had other ideas. So, we ended up having to scarf our cakes at the end of the night. But it was certainly worth the wait!
 Apparently, they wanted half Bieber/half Green Lantern, but the bakery lady wouldn't split up the sets!

Up next we have Discovery Day (Canada). This is a Canadian holiday commemorates the discovery of gold in the Yukon province (specifically Dawson City)  but should not be confused with the Newfoundland and Labrador version of Discovery Day with is celebrated on June 24.
Congratulations Yukon!

Another holiday we celebrate today is National Radio Day. It simply commemorates the invention and use of the radio as a listening medium, so today we listened to the radio (even some commercials) and enjoyed the random babbling of radio personalities throughout Albuquerque!
 One of my favorite stations out here!
I <3 my thrift store boom box!
Lastly, we are celebrating St. Stephen's Day (Hungary). Coming from NE Ohio, we are no strangers to the Hungarian side of things, and HH just happens to be part Hungarian. We actually have a St. Stephen of Hungary church back home, and HH used to play guitar for their Sunday morning masses. So, today we officially celebrate this saint's feast day!
One thing I'll give to Christians: they know how to build beautiful churches!

Well, that's it for today! Hope you had as awesome a day as we did!

CS, out.

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