Sunday, August 12, 2012

Lazing around with S'Mores and Hobos

Hey ya'll! It's Friday, August 10, and I am back once again to tell you all about a group of holidays that are simply too much fun to have left wafting in the breeze. Alright Holiday-teers, let's get this party starting because I am hungry like the wolf to dive right into the holiday excitement!
First up is Lazy Day. This has got to be the greatest day ever! It is a day to simply sit around on the couch, watch TV, possibly take a nap even after sleeping in until noon, and eat absolutely anything you want without feeling guilty! Unfortunately, the Holiday Hero was wide awake at around 8am, did some work for his art show, and made me workout after I got up (at noon). So, we did have a productive day (we went to the store and ran some errands so it was a totally lazy day), but there was definitely some laziness in the evening while watching Phantasm 1 and 2 with Andy as well as sitting on the porch listening to HH play some groovin' tunes Our friends Justin and Julie came by after a major roof leak in their apartment just so they could escape the flood and relax for a while.
 Relaxing at its best. So, how did you all celebrate Lazy Day?
Cass has the right idea!

Next up is a holiday that seriously makes you want to get up off the couch and move around even though it is Lazy Day. Today we celebrate National Duran Duran Appreciation Day. I don't know many people who don't enjoy a solid listen to some classic Duran Duran such as "Hungry Like the Wolf" or "Rio." Both of these videos were posted on Facebook, and the responses to the videos as well as single song lyric status updates was overwhelming! I must say that Space and Troy's comments were wonderful and the "likes" from Amanda, Stef, Beth, and Amy just warmed my heart!
Third on our list is the National Hobo Convention. Now you might be thinking, "But Celebration Sensation, how can there possibly be a national convention of the hobo clan?" Well, here's the low-down: Basically, three men from Britt, Iowa, wanted to put that small town on the map by showing that they can hold a convention as big and popular as any other city. While many in the town thought it was a great joke, newspapers and reporters caught on to the idea and it has been a smash ever since!
What? Were you expecting it to be inside?

And last but not least we have S'Mores Day. Anyone who has ever sat around a campfire knows that other than roasting weenies and telling ghost stories the best activity is is roasting marshmallows for S'Mores. Too bad fires of most kinds really don't work too well in extremely dry climates such as New Mexico so we went for the next best thing:
Fully stocked.

And we're out.
CS, signing off!

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